Okay, so for those of you who read my previous blog entry (that doesn't include my family yet, grr - nah, just kidding. I guess it is understandable as I haven't yet left the country) - you probably realised that I didn't leave much out in relation to my journey so far...
Faux...well, kind of anyway ; )
[[ I promise this blog entry will be shorter : ) so don't give up on me just yet ]]
[[ Rewind to...late April of this year...]]
Okay, so as you all SHOULD know, April was when I began my application. At this time I also did a tonne of research regarding various exchange organisations in Australia. One thing which really attracted me to SEA was there range of scholarships - yes, quite the nerd, I know.
Writing: hm...possibly.
[[branch off writing]]: okay...let's just say I had no idea what that scholarship was about...probably why I can't remember what it was called...
[[another scholarship]]: three letters, h-u-h?
Art/design scholarship: WHOO!
Yes, so you can probably tell which was most appealing to me at the time.
I followed the link to: >> makeyourmark.org.au <<
And I checked out the website. I failed to notice the: Voting: CLOSED and the Designs: CLOSED at the top right hand corner of the webpage. In fact it took me a few frustrating hours of trying to figure out why it wasn’t allowing me to submit designs. HA! But then I found the words:
“New competition to start around Tuesday, 4th of May, 2009”
I guess my impatient self didn’t quite understand the meaning of those words…one in particular:
Around: adv. approximately; about
I spent many hours after school, everyday watching out for the new theme of the competition. When Tuesday finally rolled around and it had not yet been posted I had a sudden thought. Maybe this time, we're meant to think of our own theme for each t-shirt we design. I was so excited by this prospect that I emailed the Program Director at once asking about the theme.
[[ no reply ]]
Okay so basically we weren't meant to come up with our own themes. The theme was given...one day 'late' according to me at the time.
Destination: USA
Phfft, what kind of theme is that? I thought. When I thought of the USA back then all that came to my mind were the stereotypes. America, through my eyes didn't really provide any room for creativity. Everything about it was just so refined!
This confusion and desire to be creative with something that just was not at all creative led me to submit 39 designs (it said you could submit as many as you want, okay!).
I was so focused on eliminating my competition (haha, this side of me really surprised me because usually I'm not very competitive) that I created a file in one of my email accounts devoted entirely to the competition. I spent hours on end searching for images on Google that I thought had been used by someone as part of his/her design...I was obsessed :0 <--- don't worry, probably not to the extent that you're thinking of.
I honestly think that the Program Director of Make Your Mark became a little bit sick of my persistent emails stating that someone or another had plagiarised. My first design - which I entered the day the competition opened, may I add, back when I was my impatient self, ehe - I think I ended up submitting five times. I thought it was meant to appear on the website the moment it came up with the message thanking me for submitting. Boy was I wrong.
I clearly remember the sixth of May when I received four emails reading:
Make Your Mark design: design not accepted.
To say the least, I was crushed. I was even too scared to open the email. But despite these fears...I did what had to be done.
As it turned out. Four out of the five I had submitted of the same design had be denied due to being entered more than once. When I got around to deleting the last of the four emails, I realised there was still one there - Make Your Mark design submitted.
[[Thank you for your submission!]]
So, so, so happy! haha.
Sad to say, that wasn't the end of my embarrassing ordeals when it came to making my mark - which I guess you could say I did with fluoro paint and elephant sized hippy flowers.
One of my designs, "POP QUIZ" decided to be particularly tricky one day and kept refusing to save my last steps on Photoshop.
Here are the emails I sent to the director that day (copy and pasted directly from my sent folder)- not including his/her replies so as to keep their identity private:
I have just submitted two designs. One is titled 'Pop Quiz' and the other, 'American Pop Quiz'. There was a spelling mistake on 'Pop Quiz' which I have corrected for, 'American Pop Quiz'. If possible, would you be able to take the description from 'Pop Quiz' and put it with 'American Pop Quiz'? Don't worry if it isn't possible.
Sorry - found another mistake (oops! I think I need to work on my proof reading skills...). The third design submitted ('Pop Quiz America - good copy') is the proper copy. Would it be possible to take the description of Pop Quiz and attach it to the good copy? Thanks, and like I said before, if it cannot be done, then that's okay.
Hi, sorry to bother you again. Don't worry about the previous emails. I will just rewrite the description with the correct design. Could you please just approve the final design titled: "Final Copy - Pop Quiz"? Thanks. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Hmm, yes. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to come third and win $1 000 towards my Semester Program. It probably has something to do with that fact that the judging panel were members of SEA as well as ASICS who had never received one of my embarrassing emails - lucky ducks!
[[ Forward to July/August ]]
*sigh* the last days of the competition. Unfortunately I was in Thailand with my school at the time (oh wow, that sounds bratty - don't worry that wasn't implying that I didn't want to be there) and was unable to submit anymore designs...not that I really needed to...I mean, not many people submitted nearly as much as I did (probably a good thing because some of mine were more than a tad disastrous!).
Designs: CLOSED
Voting: CLOSED
Two more weeks and the Top 10 would be posted onto the website...
Two weeks. One week. Six days, five, four, three, two, one...none.
I had even bothered rushing home that day from school and there was nothing. By this time I had already calculated the number of comments and out of those, the percentage of positive comments to determine which design would be in the Top 10 (haha, I only ended up getting three of the ones I thought of in the Top 10). So anyway. Refresh refresh refreshing my internet page was I.
Then suddenly...HELLO TOP 10!!! And there was my design. I know I should have been happier...but I really doubted my chances of winning because it was one of my poorer designs.
Well, I guess it was based on the users votes and not the judging panel...yet.
Okay, so that was one burst of nerves gone to make room for the next round. Boy was I losing some years at this point :0.
Two more weeks, *sigh*, two whole weeks, until the three winners were announced.
Well, after two weeks of stressing the page refreshing began again.
Refresh refresh refreshing for a whole hour or too - completely neglecting my homework. Meh, I could do it later when my mind wasn't completely controlled by a website (pretty sad how much we rely on technology these day, huh?).
I cannot explain what I felt at that moment...seeing my "not-so-good" design coming in at third.
Danse d’heureuse!!! (haha, about five times over!)
It's not everyday that you find out that your own design is going to be printed and sold!
Okay...sorry, hopefully you brought your mattress with you as well as a pillow this time (haha, I recommend a tent for next time too...nothing wrong with planning ahead :D).
Anyway, so yeah. That's the story of my scholarship.
Here's what they wrote about my design and why they chose it: (did I mention they spelt my name two different ways, one of which was wrong...haha, obviously...and said that I lived in the wrong state? Don't worry, I didn't correct them, that would mean embarrassing myself further :S).
Third place goes to Rebekka [enter last name here - nup, you're not getting my identity THAT easily] from NSW for her design "Obama". Rebecca [babow]wins $1,500 toward a year exchange program or $1,000 toward a semester exchange program, a Dick Smith Electronics voucher valued at $100 and a Lonely Planet guidebook. The panel commented that "Obama" was an incredibly well drawn design, showing great skill, and that the sketch gave the design a nice personal feel.
So, that's the story of how I 'Made My Mark'...more literally than not...