We spent the morning of Sunday getting ready and preparing for Marine's singing concert that she had been invited to do with Eloise (the girl who came first in the competition Marine did at Guise). We all gathered in the office before our showers and went through Marine's songs. She couldn't do one of them as the version her dad had downloaded for her was a dodgy karaoke one with that weird flute-sounding backing...We also went through her posture (hehe, it really is horrible!) and her breathing.
After our showers, Marine realised just how many texts she still had to revise for her French BAC and just how little time she had left...then there was the added factor of how little she actually knew the songs she was going to perform in a few short hours...
So, despite wanting to get out of it as it was really stressing her out, we ended up hopping in the car after lunch and driving to the train station where we met up with Eloise's family before following their car to an apartment block a few places down.
The day started out quite nicely, though, if anything a little chilly...It wasn't until Marine and Eloise started their sound checks that it started to rain...didn't really help that the concert was to be held outside...hm...
The rain was pretty much on and off – it was sunny during to Eloise's first songs, but started up again in her last one for the first part, which meant that Marine sang on the sheltered footpath for her first two. The sun came out for l'Aigle Noir, which meant that she was able to really connect with the small crowd, she even stroked one woman's cheek to go with the lyrics :).
Marine got an “encore” for l'Aigle Noir at the end ;).
During the second part after juice and cakes had been served, a woman from Tibet wanted to sing some typically Tibetan songs – which she did :). She didn't speak much French or English so I went up to her and spoke a little mixture of both – although I must be honest, the French was a little better :).
She had noticed that I had filmed all of her songs, so she made me show her and then got me to delete one that she believed wasn't truly Tibetan. I think it might have had something to do with the fact that she was a well-known Tibetan singer :). (She seemed to really like us as she got pictures taken with us at the end :D).
When Eloise, Aurore, Marine and I had returned from the car (where we talked before the Tibetan lady sang), we sat down and danced around a bit (me on Marine's lap, haha, I think I hurt her a bit :O)...and then, it was a MIRACLE! The sun came out! WHOO! Hehe, we were happy – so Marine and I went and danced in the centre between all the apartments – Aurore followed.
Monday was spent mostly getting ready for my family to come. Sandrine had gotten up extra early and prepared all the appetisers (tuna cake etc) for that night.
I spent my morning preparing myself mentally, and then, when Marine was somewhere, Sandrine at work, and Aurore at school, I took to cleaning my room up a bit (after Aurore had made a massive mess dancing around COMPLETELY naked in my bedroom :O). I put on some music and took to dancing around my bedroom, folding dooners and trying to find some reception so I could text my mum to ask where she was.
The reception side of things was quite disastrous...Even when everyone was home (except my host-dad who was still on the train, returning home from Paris), I still didn't have any :S. Sandrine and Aurore even took me outside to look for some. It was all rather strange as I had even placed my phone in between Marine's and Sandrine's, which both had reception...:S.
Sandrine ended up calling the hotel we thought they were staying at to ask if they had arrived. The woman on the other end told us that they were full and weren't expecting my family as they had not confirmed their room reservations :S. Well, you could imagine, this sent my host-mum into full-on stress mode.
So, she let me call my mum with the home-phone. At first she didn't reply (this made us worry a bit), and then my step-dad...no response. The second time, however, we did get onto my mum. She told me that she was driving past Cora and that there had been a hold up at the airport and they had to wait two hours to rent the car. Annnnd, that they were staying at a DIFFERENT hotel. Marine and I were quite relieved...although when we told my host-mum she just kept putting on her worried face and saying, “well, I hope!”...I don't think it would have taken any number of, “no, it's sure!”'s from Marine and I to destress her :S.
Mammie Blanche and Didier arrived at 7.00pm. After talking for a while, Didier took me out to the boot of his car where he had a massive box of French music CDs that he wanted me to choose one from (I had promised him I would take one before I left...so he took his whole collection to me to make sure ;) haha).
I ended up choosing the CD with 7500 French songs on it and he threw in a French Party mix too, hehe.
At 8.00pm, when my mum told me they would arrive, Marine, Aurore and I ran down the road to wait for my parents. We got excited with every car...for some reason there seemed to be A LOT more cars than usual :S.
After waiting for about 10 minutes, we started singing to the music on Marine's phone and dancing in the middle of the road with the poppies that were growing around us :). Hehe...what's more, we were in slippers ;) what a glorious sight ;) haha. Aurore and I even raced in them...with neither of us winning as our slippers got in our way :S.
They ended up being in the least likely car – a massive silver van...At first we raced it down the road a bit...then my mum told us all to hop in.
When I arrived at the window next to her, she held out her arms and said, “aw! She's real!”...I guess it must have been pretty strange for her to see her daughter grow up and change in pictures, eh?
It was so strange to hear English again! And even more so, trying to speak it! :S I just kept answering in French! Haha...I didn't even realise that I was doing it.
After giving everyone a tour of the house (and my step-dad asking me where “this fella'” lived...yes, Graeme...that was my HOST-dad you were talking about :P that was a little embarrassing...), we sat down to appetisers. Dinner was spent trying to get used to the English language a bit and my host-dad saying that I was pretty hypocritical when I said that my mum spoke English fast :S hehe, and Aurore and my sister trying to communicate with Aurore's limited English and my sister's non-existent French...
Both Marine and Aurore sang during dinner and my parents got them to sing a duet too :) it was the first time I had ever heard them sing together and it was quite magical! :)
It was rather funny seeing my family stuffed with food when I found the meal quite light...haha, just goes to show how much I've been eating in France, eh? Hehe – I even out-ate my sister ;)
Oh and everyone really loved my host-mum's flan! :D My favourite dessert – and the only one that I believe is worth going back for seconds for :)...other than my host-dad's tirimisu :D.
That night Aurore didn't slept with Binny...AHAHA! We had warned her during dinner to be scared...but I don't think she fully understood ;).
My mum and step-dad arrived at 11 am to take Binny and I into Soissons so that I could show them around a bit.
So after tea and biscuits (those one's that are like a shortbread with melted chocolate in the middle :D) we were on our way :D.
First we visited the cathedral...they were all rather blown way by it and town in general which I didn't really get – I mean, I knew it was beautiful but it was home too and I didn't really appreciate the tourism side that they all brought to it :S. Didn't really want to end my exchange as a tourist, if you get what I mean...
We ate lunch at a pasta bar and I tried to explain to everyone what I had learned...although I found it a lot harder than I thought, especially as my lessons were so simple...perhaps it was just due to the fact that they were more personal and I didn't really see my experience in France as just another life lesson, but something that was truly close to my heart – I don't think they understood that, as it was 1/32 of my life to them, right? It made me really want to show Soissons to my dad as he seems to always be more tuned into the hearty stuff :).
When we arrived home, Natacha and Marine were at the dining table and Natacha was testing Marine on her French. After introducing Binny to Natacha, we all waited for Clement to arrive as we were going to dress him up as a girl, hehe, he was the one who agreed to it! :P
While we waited, we decided to have something to eat. I gave Binny nearly EVERY biscuit or cake in the pantry – my reasoning? She had to taste 5 months worth of food in three days ;) hehe. While she ate, I kept my rose close to my nose :) taking in its sweet scent :) too bad I can't time it back to Australia with me : (.
Aurore got really excited when he finally arrived – running in and out of the house just to laugh and giggle...haha, it was rather funny :)
Apparently he had gotten lost because he couldn't remember where Marine lived so he had ridden around Vauxrezis quite a bit on his scooter before arriving...but he made it in the end! :D
We took him upstairs and got to work...first it was the foundation – which was Sandrine's, so it was REALLY orange! :O hehe, although I diluted it a bit with moisturiser.
Marine and I then did one eye each, and one lip each :). Once the make-up was done, we popped on Aurore's witch wig and cut a fringe :)...then went on Marine's red dress, fur collar jacket, bra (with stuffing) and flats...Binny even went ahead and painted his nails red :D.
We wanted him to go out in the street so that we could convince people that Marine had won a scholarship to go to Australia for disguise, hehe. That way she could get people to sponsor her.
He didn't end up going, so Marine and Aurore stole his belongings, and he stole Marine's bed...so they were even ;). I then helped him get his stuff back because he promised me that he would speak English if he didn't go out in the street.
After a while, I helped him remove his makeup (haha, it was a tad difficult with all that foundation!), and we all went downstairs and ate marble cake with yoghurt.
I continued smelling that rose while they ate and looked at pictures – haha, that rose was the best smelling rose I've ever smelt! :)
Once Clement had left on his scooter – looking masculine once again ;) - Marine and I got ready for the concert.
We left after dinner – we arrived 20 minutes later than the time that I had told mum and Graeme to be there...So we were a bit confused when they weren't there :S.
We waited and waited and waited. We met up with Alexis and playing a game with my sister where we asked her whatever question in French that we wanted and she had to reply “oui” or “non”, even though she didn't understand. She seems to be amazingly good at this game – answering correctly each time.
We went around in a circle and when it got to Alexis, who was before me, he asked her if she liked her sister (aka me :S) and she said, “non”. We had a good laugh about that and I felt like killing him :P haha, not really.
So, it was my turn and I asked her if she liked Alexis. Alexis then told me that I couldn't say his name as it was too obvious.
So, I tried asking if she like the guy next to me – this time pointing to him. He then laughed and said it didn't work because I pointed to him.
So, I turned my back to him and asked her if she like the guy behind me – this time chucking me thumb back at him. Again, he laughed at me...So...I tried one last time, this time getting it right :D...She answered, “oui?”...HMPH!
Then we got Binny to repeat the phrase we had taught her earlier and got her to say to Clement when he arrived, telling her that it was a form of politeness in France ;) hehe.
“Tous les mecs sont cons” - aka, “all men are d***heads” hehe
Then we got her to say, “tous les mecs sont des couchons!” - aka, “all men are pigs”...Alexis liked it...hehe despite her accents, we all understood :).
Alexis and I had a good laugh at Aurore too when she sand “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga in, I don't know which language! Haha, t'was funny! :D
When it got to the point where mum and Graeme were 50 minutes late, Natacha let me borrow her phone. I called mum and asked her where they were – apparently they had arrived one our before the concert (they thought it was be better to be early, pfft!) and the man at the door told them what time it started, so they decided to go and have dinner.
They ended up arrived just as the concert started :S...close call – I had to run over to the car and get them to run into the building with me.
Boys Don't Cry was second...and was a disaster! The first time we sang it, the microphones weren't working (there were only three as well, so I had to share with Alexis) so Karine jumped on stage and started singing into mine and Alexis' microphone...So we started again, and the second time, Marine and Natacha forgot the tune, so it ended up being Alexis and I who couldn't hear ourselves anyway.
During the break, Marine and I asked Karine whether my mum could sing “The Rose” with Marine at the end...my host-dad wasn't too happy about the timing as apparently the concert would finish late and he had work the next day...so we had to go and ask again, but this time if they could sing at the beginning of the second part...she said “oui” :D.
While mum and Marine printed off the lyrics and sang the song through a few times, Alexis joined me to watch them after he had talked a bit in English to my host-dad. He explained what he was doing in English and then freaked out, telling me he had said whatever words came to his head. I told him it was fine and that what he had said to me in English was 100% perfect :).
We moved over the to brochure shelf and picked out a few that Aurore needed ;) hehe. Aurore then pointed to one with a naked woman on the front and started giggling before full on laughing and shouting, “IT'S BECKY!!!!”. Alexis and I exchanged some worried looks and backed away, haha. Then laughed as she checked out some other brochures that we hadn't pointed out to her on alcohol and took them! Hehe.
After Karine had sang two songs, she invited Marine and mum onto the stage to sing. They sang without music and sang rather well.
Sandrine had taken Alexis' seat so that she could speak English with my mum so he had to sit in between my sister and I, across from Marine. We all had some good fun, with Marine imitating a drummer and me accidentally screaming, “ONZE!” (eleven) into Alexis' ear because the music was too loud...whoops, I think I did some damage there :S hehe.
We then went outside to get some air. We walked up the street and Marine teased Aurore about what she had done Sunday night in my bedroom – this made her cry so Marine got down on her hands and knees in the middle of the road and promised us that she would never repeat what she told us haha.
Alexis tried to get me sing too as he really wanted to hear me...I said no...then he begged me to and told me that he would sing with me – haha, not falling for that one! So I said no again – hehe, yes I am a nice person ;).
We continued talking about his name in America and how it's a girls' name how that's the reason he has a 'stage name', Victory...
Natacha and Marine, who were ahead of us decided to ring a doorbell and run for it – a common French pass time, as I learnt...Alexis and I misunderstood and thought that Natacha said that there was a person coming (she actually said that there WASN'T a person coming :S) so we raced around the corning, with screaming, “aaah, my pants!” and trying to pull them up at the same time :S.
When we arrived around the corner, we saw mum and Graeme waiting with Marine's parents to take us all home...hehe. Alexis and I thought that maybe that man had stopped the others to give them a good talking as they were certainly taking their time running away from that building! Haha. But instead they just made their way casually around the corner and informed us that there was no need to sprint...whoops? :D
– family in Vauxrezis
– touring around – didn't get to go into the woods
– too hot
– lady offered water
– ate lunch with everyone
– Graeme was impatient to leave – host mum showed mum around the garden
– started packing
– Mammie called to say goodbye – got emotional
– Natacha and Deborah came over
– went into town with everyone – host-mum dropped Natacha, Marine and I off first, at the Auto-Ecole – worried about wearing the flats that gave me blisters
– Marine had a lot more lessons to go than she thought and probably wouldn't have them done by the time she leaves for Australia
– waited for Deborah, Aurore and Binny to be dropped off
– Walked to Pimpkie to try and use voucher – useless, ended up going through all the earrings and jewellery and choosing three pairs of earrings
– walked to singing
– Alexis arrived later and I waited for parents outside
– Mustang Sally first to rehearse, then Boys Don't Cry – before we started, Alexis pointed out that there were FOUR microphones which meant that he should hear me and begged me to sing loud enough
– while we were waiting to sing, Alexis wrote a message for me to send to Sam on the back of the lyrics of Boys Don't Cry – gave me email address and password (on another piece of paper in case Aurore found it) so I could go onto his Facebook account as he was moving house and didn't have any internet
– Sang – couldn't hear anyone – band too loud
– left mum and Graeme inside, and went outside (Karine tried to get Alexis to sing higher)
– Alexis whispered to me in English that we were going to dump Aurore in the rubbish bin (she slapped him in the face) – wasn't any space, so we counted to three and ran instead – didn't work, Aurore screamed and ran with us – Alexis got stuck with her because he ran into a bush and there was a dead end so he ran in the other direction, then we pretended we were running away from Natacha and Binny because we had lost them
– went and found mum and Graeme waiting for all of us outside – Binny and Natacha lost...
– Found them (they were looking for us)
– Said goodbye to Deborah for the last time – lots of hugging – see you soon, to Alexis – and “not sure if this is our last goodbye” to Natacha
– All got in the car – Marine was left all alone in the middle row
– Went to Didier's – host-parents very late
– Aurore cried because she wanted to share a verrine with me and because I was leaving soon
– Didier gave parents his favourite book
– Friends of Didier gave me some haricots de Soissons that I never got to try
– went out for dinner
– Sandrine told me that my French was perfect and we talked to the waitress quite a bit before hearing, “Sandi! Let's get going!” from Graeme who was outside
– Aurore cried all night
– I got emotional and started crying, but happy-crying-ish when my host-dad didn't know if he would see me in the morning or get to say goodbye.
– Sent message for Alexis
– got up at 6.20 am
– had breakfast with host-family
– host-dad had to get going early so I had a quick 5 minute goodbye :S
– went upstairs and mucked around a bit
– had a shower and then sent a thank you message to Alexis and replied to one from Natacha and Deborah too and sang to Queen songs
– went to say goodbye to Natacha
– still in her pjs
– started crying – took automatic photos of everyone with camera hanging off tree
– sang random songs together
– saw car driving around – had to go back
– walked arm in arm up to the house and got bags
– said second last goodbyes to host-mum and host-sisters
– held it together quite well, although I did start crying...it was only until I got into the car and my mum closed the door on my butt that they started to really come, but I had Daisy the rabbit.
The start of the finish...in so many ways...
Sunday, April 15, 2012
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