Aaaaaaaah! Best feeling in the world yesterday!
Does anyone know the feeling when you're reading/looking at something and you can feel yourself smiling? ☺
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[[ Rewind to yesterday: approx. 7.40pm ]]
Mum: Becky! [ calling from downstairs ]
Me: Yeah? [ calling from upstairs ]
Mum: Becky! You have a parcel from France! Quick! Binny's opening it!
Me: NO! Binny (sister) don't! [ runs downstairs to save my parcel ]
So...I ran back upstairs where I could have some time alone and, careful not to tear the fragile brown envelope (haha, I even opened it upside down so, incase I did accidentally tear it, the writing would not be destroyed - yes, lame I know...but I want to keep everything!)
Inside the brown paper envelope was a beaufiful smaller red paper envelope which held...five (???) postcards from my host family, a ruler and a door hanger. The five-or-so envelopes were in sequence so that each led onto the other ☺, and each had a Soissons landmark or nearby park or building on it. The last postcard was from Marine (POISSON ROUGE!!! Now also known as Madame Boble ♥, haha long story). This was also the postcard with the most content ☺ and had a picture of the cutest kitten on it!
The ruler was cure aussi - written in English was:
"I LOVE SCHOOL...Best 'till last - the door hanger. This one was obviously Marine's idea. It was a picture of a little mouse stuck in a block of cheese!
It said, in French:
"If you have a solution, enter...
But if you have a problem, come back tomorrow."

Get it? Little mouse stuck in cheese? Marine calls me Petite Souris ☺.

***We have both, somehow, decided (as a joke) that everytime I make a mistake in French, she cutes my queue (tail) and everytime she makes a mistake in English - I drink her eau (water)- odd eh?***
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[[ Other exciting developments since my last entry ]]
Okay, so about two days ago I had my first one-way video/msn conversation thing with my two host sisters.
By one-way, I mean that my dad's laptop which has a webcam wasn't working - so instead I had to use the old laptop *sad face* so they couldn't see me.
Our conversation was quite funny really. Aurore (11) was talking to me [ en français ] and occasionally sending me little voice messages with Marine (16) running around in the back group stuffing heart shaped cushions etc. in front of the comera lense while she was getting ready to go into the forest. When my French went particulary downhill, she called Marine over to help comprehend what I was trying to say. It was quite humerous to see her reaction as she covered her mouth and laughed before vigorously typing away.
A few days before this conversation, I had taught Marine the phrase:
Whoopsie daisies!
For some reason, she thought thise was the word for 'mushroom' in English. So you can imagine how confused I was when she told me that she was going into the woods with her father to find 'whoops' for dinner.
Her father also popped in during this conversation and waved to the lense, which was nice ☺.
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[[ Information Night!!! ]]
Haha - randomly, writing that heading reminded me of the Romeo and Juliet homework I'm meant to be doing and how they can only be together at night...anywaaay...
Yes...THIS SATURDAY = SEA Pre-Departure Information Night!!!
Haaaaaah, that means deux mois!!!
Massive grin!
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Random fact:
Yes, well, I thought this was pretty cool (my friends and I discovered this during ILP yesterday):
If you type something in Google Images, there's a 9/10 chance that the pictures will be better if you type what you're searching for in French ♥
Google Images: Cake
Google Images: Petit Gateau
♥ Bec
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