"Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way...Oh what fun it is to ride in a once horse open slay, (oh-so-enthusiastic---) HEY! Jingle bells, Jingle bell...[[ you get the gist ]]"Haha - only those who have watched the video of me singing that on Facebook will see the hilarity of me posting it...which I don't think is any of you guys...so anyway, I am having a dilemma.
DILEMMA: whether or not to buy my host family a Chrismas present to send over to France...and if I do (I think I will...) whether or not I buy a gift for each individually or as a whole family. En plus I have no idea what to buy them!Okay so a bit of extra info : :
Today I found out that when I was away on camp with my year level, my mum and sister went out to buy my host mum (I'm assuming they had the best intentions of including my host dad too ☺) a Christmas present..Marine, si tu es lisant ça, t'arrêtes si te plaît ☺☺☺ merci ♥
They decided on an Australian calander with Australian Scenery and such from themselves. Haha, my mum even referred to Sandrine (host mum) as Mrs. Marine...I guess I mention her too much...whoops? The excitement is brewing a little too much, I think...
Anyway, so I had a book voucher to Thesaurus (book shop) for $30 (haha, sorry about the useless info...I wonder if you still have the pillow handy...*wink wink*) and got the book I wanted etc. etc. Mum found this miniture book of Melbourne photography that we're going to send with the calander. In it were photos of places such as Luna Park and the Art's Centre, etc.
So yes...it looks like I will be getting my host family Christmas presents (YAY!) but I still need to work out whether I should buy Marine and Aurore's presents separately...and if so what to buy them. I would absolutely love to buy them each their own presents...but then there's cost etc. Hm...decisions decisions. It might be a great way to repay their generosity with the package they sent me earlier ♥. Oh, I also bought them each Christmas cards ☺. I'll scan them and post them...well I think they're cute ☺.

Anyway, so I had a book voucher to Thesaurus (book shop) for $30 (haha, sorry about the useless info...I wonder if you still have the pillow handy...*wink wink*) and got the book I wanted etc. etc. Mum found this miniture book of Melbourne photography that we're going to send with the calander. In it were photos of places such as Luna Park and the Art's Centre, etc.
So yes...it looks like I will be getting my host family Christmas presents (YAY!) but I still need to work out whether I should buy Marine and Aurore's presents separately...and if so what to buy them. I would absolutely love to buy them each their own presents...but then there's cost etc. Hm...decisions decisions. It might be a great way to repay their generosity with the package they sent me earlier ♥. Oh, I also bought them each Christmas cards ☺. I'll scan them and post them...well I think they're cute ☺.
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