Anyway, we got a funny one out of that...Something to do with Henry and Alexis (I was meant to give Alexis the peice of paper tonight but didn't get around to doing it).
So apart from the drama between class (which I won't write about...for personal reasons and for those involved : )), the school day was quite amusing with Marine and I writing a song during Gestion called "Franglish/Franglais" and Marine accidently flicking her pen ink all over my face (which resulted in A LOT of laughter and having to be excused to go wash my face...luckily the teacher found it rather funny too :O).
At 4pm we made our way to the music school to consult the director about trumpet lessons...I think he thought I was really bad or something because he wanted to put me in the Junior orchestra, haha. Oh, and he's going to give me lessons for free because I'm Australian, haha, amazing what being Australien can get you away with..hehe, thank you parents :D.
Anyway, Patrice picked Natasha, me and Marine up from the music school at 4.30pm and took Natasha home, before dropping of me and Marine at home as well to get ready for the singing concert tonight (haha, don't worry, I didn't sing :D hehe). Marine, Aurore and I all got ready together with Marine and I dressing eachother, doing eachother's hair, and make-up...haha, yes all that girly stuff, hehe.
At 7pm we left to go the concert where Marine was third. The concert was really good with a lot of people just singing for fun : ) hehe. At the half-way break we went and talked to Alexis over by the food tables before making our way to the bathroom (wow, don't know why I included that detail :S haha). Anywaaaay, by eating time we were extremely hungry and proceded to eat two desserts and dinner with this bacon, egg, and herb scone loaf thing that Sandrine's mum had made - REAAAALLY YUMMY! :D
About half way through the second part of the performance, Marine and I went to search for Alexis to give him the piece of paper...but he was no where to be found. Instead we hung around the corridor (it was all opening into the stage area) where there was a cute little boy who was rather agro and kept throwing this ball thing at us :S ahahaha.
We went back to our seats after about 10 mins and we decided that Marine was going to ask if she could sing "My Heart Will Go On" to end the show. We went outside (in short-sleeves, may I add...and into 0* weather!) so Marine could practice a bit. When we went back in, Natasha, Aurore and I went and stood with Alexis by the food table again. Alexis went and stole one of the lolly buckets and asked what "bonbon" was in English. I told him, "lolly". He then asked me how to spell it. "L.O.L.L.Y". And then proceded to laugh at the word "lolly". It's funny how being here makes English sound so stupid, haha. Yes, anyway, by that stage Marine was singing. Half-way into the song, the singing teacher began swaying her arms in the air - which, in turn, Alexis, me, Natasha and Aurore did...more laughing there.
Once Marine had finished. We all went into the main foyer to look at the photography. Alexis pointed out a photograph of a topless woman before gasping and sheilding his eyes (and then laughed some more...yes, we were all rather tired at this stage, hehe). Aurore nearly killed herself laughing at that picture...and when thte little boy attempted to see it Alexis lost it, and walked around the corner...only to find yet another picture of a women in longerie...yes, that was about the time where he calapsed onto the chair and started crying with laughter. Then the little boy began screaming really high-pitchly. Which started the laughing once again...haha, this time with us all blocking our ears.
After all that laughing had died down a bit, there was a rock song playing so Alexis, Marine and I did hair guitar before the little boy decided to join in and get reallllly into it...he even started rolling around on the floor doing it :S haha. Yes, that set off me and Alexis! haha.
Anyway, it was time to say goodbye - so after all the goodbye kisses to the grandparents the little boy...for some reason, went and slapped Alexis' butt...Oh, that was hilarious! Haha, yes, Alexis and I were pretty much crying and I'm sure Marine and Aurore were close to it! haha.
So once we had all kissed Alexis goodbye, I proceded to fall into a puddle...catch myself and then trip into another and twist my ankle which resulted in me falling sideways onto our car. Haha, that got Sandrine laughing until she was on the verge of tears too! Haha...yes, and then I fell asleep in the car. The end. Haha, nah, I got ready for bed and am now here writing this, with Marine talking to Henry on msn : ) and Natasha in the bed next to her (she's staying the night).
Bonne Nuit!
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