So today was a very very very very very long day! Haha - 8am - 6pm (same as Monday :S haha). Got up early to have a shower etc. all the norm. Revised all through the first class, haha. Then took the test. Then we had recreation (10 mins) then English...where we had ANOTHER test, haha...I made up a few things (I wasn't there for the majority of the stuff on it - stuff about recovered addicts...yes, quite difficult compared to the French I learn in Aus!). Then was French...With the boys behind me playing up as usual. They even drew a picture of Marine as an ugly bunny with a speech bubble that said, in English, "I'm Marine and a bunny!". Word for word. I didn't really do much in French because it's really difficult to understand, so I took to grafitting my page, hehe.
After French Marine and I went into Soissons to a bakery and bought two WHOLE baguettes with chicken, mayo, lettuce and tomato and ate them both (we were hungry, okay! :P)...they were sooooooo good, haha. After Marine had to go to her driving lesson, so she left me outside the front of the school (after trying to get us in using the excuse that I needed to get a bus pass...didn't work, haha, so I had to wait) until the doors opened. Once inside, I didn't really know what to do so I was wondering around looking for a computer room. A girl I met yesterday in art came up to me and asked if I was all alone...I then asked her in very bad French where the computer labs were. The doors were locked but she took me around the back through the library. Annnnnd, my password wouldn't work so I was sitting there for a while when a teacher came in and started telling me off. Haha, luckily the girl came to my rescue and dropped me off with some friends from my class.
Constance, me, and two other girls went into a study room...but when Constance reached into her bag to grab some books, CATASTROPHE! Haha, her apple compote had burst in her we spent the next 45 minutes trying to clean in up. After those 45 minutes Myriam came and asked me if I wanted to go into town with her as we still had another hour until we started class again. We met up with Marine, Costance and another girl in Soissons (before parting with Constance and the other girl) and, as we walked by the bus stop, Sawadatou hopped off the bus, so then there were four. Haha, Marine and I had fun spraying eachother with HELLO KITTY perfume...for adults. Haha, interesting stuff. Smelt rather good though :D.
Sawadatou wanted to go to the supermarket before returning to school to buy some lollies...even though we only had 10 mins to spare and classes started in nine! haha...we were late...after running...a lot. So guess who got lost in Soissons again? MOI! haha, turns out the Constance and the other girl were late too so Marine and I ran up to them and they were happy to have an excuse, haha.
Soooo, we returned to THREE HOURS of stuff. Haha. But, Milmila, Marine and I had fun dancing up and down the corridors, and spraying eachother with water.
Yesterday was verrrrry short. Three hours only, and we were able to return for lunch before taking Marine and Natasha to singing class. I watched :D haha, and learned that massaging one another helps warm the vocal cords...who would've guessed? There were only four girls plus me in the class.
After each had performed and improved, Marine, Natasha and I were picked up my Sandrine and Marine was taken to her FIRST driving lesson, haha, she crashed :P. And Sandrine took me and Natasha shopping. I had to buy some pants for sport, and new coat and a new bag (it seems that everything that I bought in Australia breaks here :S haha, go figure...must be a weather thing ;)). Didn't get the new bag, but was successful with the coat (hehe, big, long and WARM!) and the pants :D.
After, we went to pick Marine up from "conduit" where we were suprised at how good she was driving and played a bit of a guessing game of whether it was really her or not (we were driving behind her).
Once Marine was safe and sound in the car, Natasha, me and Marine went to singing again, this time for a rehearsal of Billy Jean with the band and everything...It was pretty awesome! haha. Alexi and Marine were a tad crazy, haha, but I stood with them on stage with Natasha anyway : ).
Once we were back home Marine, Aurore and me, were on a bit of a high and did eachothers hair, haha. And then Marine did my make-up...ROCK STAR STYLE! WHOOO! HAHA. (I'll see if I can get a picture :D).
Monday was looooooong, haha. Marine was luncky and finished at 3pm, but me? Nup. 6pm...three hours of art. For the first hour I seemed to be the centre of attention amongst 6 people. One of which was a bit too eager to show me around the room...he even went and got his French/English dictionary for me. Haha. And another asked for my lipbalm so that he could use it in his artwork...a bit random, haha. Came back all flat and smudged :S.
Enveryone was doing their own thing that day so I just drew a picture of Marine, haha, which she liked very much but is not yet finished.
Monday we finished at hour earlier than the expected 5pm. So Marine showed me the took about 45 mins to get there because, as usual, we were a tad crazy and took to taking photos with the automatique timer...which we rested on Marine's "standing-up" French text book which was leaned on a tree : ) ....haha, interesting stuff!
[[ We stood in some dog poo too...yummmmmy! haha, still on my boots! ]]
Okay, that's all I can remember for now : ) Possible snow tomorrow :D. Start at 10 am (if we have to go to school that is...aaaah, snow is such a wonderful thing ;)). Finish at 4pm. Today I successfully completed a French questionaire (as in I made one :D) on food :D.
Tata for now :D
Hey cool go and have some fun, gotta love that French lifestyle...Firbank is going to be one boring place when you get back boys Dad