Wednesday, March 3, 2010

: : Mes Enfants [[ and the "Wild Yanis Chase" ]]03.03.10 : :

I'm sorry family, but I have some news to break to you all...

I have three children. Daughters. 16 years old, 3 years old and 2.5 years old.


Yes, well I think I might start with today as opposed to yesterday today...

We started at 8am this morning which meant a 6am wakeup. Whoopie. After eating breakfast I went and had a shower and all that jazz before Marine and I walked up the street to Natacha's house (it was her mum's turn to take us to school).

The morning started with Droit...A test, to be more precise. A test that I had not studied for (I'm starting to think that maybe I should've started with yesterday as there is a lot of background info...:S)...Very difficult. But honestly, I don't think it would've changed anything if I had studied (I've tried before...Epic fail).

My paper turned out to be a rather blank sheet with me trying my hardest, filling in what I could and writing little notes and my reasoning to the teacher (haha, he likes my little smileys :D hehe...Hopefully that will get me somewhere!).

After Droit was Maths. Marine and I were really productive!!! Hehe, we finished before everyone else so had no homework! Whoo! On a downer, we had another test Friday : ( Sad stuff...

Marine took to taking photos of the class - haha, no cameras allowed at school so we had to be careful and quickly take pictures when the teacher wasn't looking.

After Maths was Spanish. Another test for Marine, but not for me as I just sit in during the lessons and catch up on homework or whatever. This time I worked on my piece for Arts Plastiques.

We didn't have a class after Spanish, and still had one hour till lunch, so Sawdatou, Marine and I went into the town and looked in a jewelers for something for Marine's and Sawadatou's cheris ; ) haha. Then we went to a bakery and bought a giant "pain au chocolat" to share. Yummy : ). Normally I'm not a very big fan of them, but this time I was hungry :P.

We arrived back at school at 12:00pm for lunch where we met up with Myriam. The line was looking rather glum as it extended off onto the stairs. But then a guy came up to Myriam and told her that because she was a priority (vegetarian) she could cut the line :D and we got to go with her! Whoo! Hehe.

Lunch was rather good (haha, I think I was the only one who thought that :P...not my fault pasta salad isn't well known in France!). ALthough I didn't get any dessert after that pain au chocolat for once I finished the entree AND the main meal :D and ate half of my giant baguette : ). (Only just got hungry that lasted for 5 hours and 38 minutes :D).

During lunch we were all really thirsty and Myriam, Sawatou and Marine were arguing (nicely, don't worry)over who was going to get the water. Marine then pulled out her nearly empty drink bottle and said, "HA! I have the solution!" and then poured us each a few drops of water. Then it started again, haha, and Marine said, "well, I thought of a solution before, so I'm not obliged to go get the water :P". Haha, I think they thought I couldn't understand the conversation, because when I stood up and said, "fine, I'll go", Marine asked me where. Haha. Then Myriam and Sawdatou began chanting, loudly, "BECKY! BECKY! BECKY!"...And started again when I returned with the water.

That's where mes enfants come in...Due to their childish behaviour earlier on, I poured myself a full glass of water, and then Myriam, Sawdatou and Marine, a few drops. Haha, it was rather funny when Sawdatou was serious when she said, "Becky. They have more than me." Haha. I guess she didn't learn her lesson.

The childish-ness lasted all through the time the four of us returned to the town. Haha, Marine and Sawdatou sang "I'm a Barbie Girl" really loudly, haha. And when we went to the supermarket to buy some lollies and biscuits (don't worry family, I listened to my full stomache and only ate two lollies :P) and the arguments over which lollies to buy started again, haha. So I called them back and said, "children, who likes which lollies?".


When we returned to school (Myriam was late...oops...) it was 2:15pm. We met up with Ludmilla and went outside. Oh! Today was actually hot! I think it may have gotten up into the 20s : ) (and when I got come today, the work-out machine that had been in the sun read 29*C!). Anyway, outside we were joined by Alain who was rather keen to practice his English with me and kept joking about his height (seriously, that guy is short! Haha)

Next was Communications...I was hoping that MAYBE the teacher would give us our tests back...but no. Apparently she's not so quick with marking...

Anywaaay, during Communications, Myriam texted Marine telling her that I didn't have Arts Plastiques that night...A nice surprise as I was rather tired...Although I did miss it a bit :(.


After Communications (the teacher made me answer questions again :S haha, with my horrible accent), my host-mum was rather surprised to see me approaching the car. I think she thought I was trying to skip it again (shh! Haha, no, just kidding).


At 6pm, my host-dad dropped Marine and I off at the doctor where we joined Sandrine. The doctor checked up on all the vitals and then prescriped me with four different medications for my sinus'...All up that was 4 tablets twice a day with a squirt up the nose three times a day. (See Monday ;))



Monday Monday Monday...

Monday was spent with a headache :S Which continued through most of the day which was rather unfortunate...

I don't really remember much of Monday, haha - thank you headache - apart from telling Marine, "j'ai mal dans ma tete" constantly thoughout the day.


We finished at 6pm Monday...And when we arrived home my host mum gave me something for my headache which did absolutely nothing. Whatsmore, we ate really late that night - I fell asleep in front of the tv waiting. So did Marine. It seemed the whole family was sick that night.


This meant that Marine and I didn't end up studying for our tests :S (she had Spanish too).

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