Busy busy busy!
: : Monday : :
Mondaaaaaaaaay was the day of the Management test...haha, disaster, disaster, disaster! I didn't understand all that much and ended up getting 07/20 (...apparently that's good, all the same, for an Aussie)...
: : Tuesday : :
Tuesday Marine and I were both really tired : |. We ended up sleeping in between classes in the Salles d'etudes. Haha, we had three hours for lunch, before finishing with an hour of French : |.
Marine and I found a nice SDE for sleeping...a nice EMPTY one...which, may I add, is very rare to come across! Anyway, we shut the door, turned on our iPods and slept for half an hour before one of the teachers decided that no. We could not shut the door. We did again anyway...and then the teacher came again...and a third time before deciding to tell us off.
We were then joined by Sawdatou and Sandy...and later by Yanis and Constance.
Marine was yet again hungry so Yanis pulled out to Pain au chocolats from his bag...which had been severely squashed, haha, but Marine and him ate them anyway...
Yanis then found two gloves on the floor, put them on his shoes and zoomed around the tables with it, haha - while Constance taped it...haha. Good times : )!
(Haha, the videos are now on Facebook : ))
Marine was still hungry at a quater to 4pm...15 mins before French. So we made a last minute decision to go to the little milkbar near the school to buy something to eat.
Sawdatou and Marine didn't have much money between then and we were running out of time (which was spent trying to find the cheapest food) so I offered to pay...
We speed walked back to school to French...where no one had done the homework for...I seriously think that the teacher dreamt up the homework she gave us :S. She was prepared to give us all a detention. And when she came to me I put on my best innocent exchange student face and said, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I truly did not understand the homework! And Marine...Marine TRIED to help me - but I truly did not undersand, I'm so sorry Madame - It's hard for me..." and then I was the only person without a detention, haha. But she told the class - because no one had done the homework - that if we worked well within the hour, no one will have a detention...so that's what we did : ).
Afterschool Marine and I walked to the ear doctor where we were meeting her mum. I was so tired that I nearly fell asleep in the chair! While we waited, Marine and I ate the remaining four cookies between the two of us (Sawdatou made us give her the other 12 cookies as apparently that was a fair share...hm, funny that I was the one who paid...but meh).
: : Wednesday : :
Marine woke up in a crazy mood that morning! Haha, she was giggling and smiling as she got ready and even skipped out of the house, stopped, bust into a fit of giggles and looked at her shoes...which she had put on the wrong feet...oooooh Marine : | haha.
Wednesday we only had two lessons - Maths and Communications.
During Communications, we got our 2nd Trimestre results. I got an average of 12.19 overall : ). Which, I am proud to say, was higher than the majority of the class :D. Marine got 12.35 which was 4th best : )
On the way home, with Natacha and me in the back and my host-mum and Marine in the front - we realised that the 5 pills that the doctor had prescribed for my host mum the day before really did make you crazy! Haha - she had all these weird/funny songs blaring with the windows down (haha, REALLY unlike her!) and we even stopped on the side of the road and made animal sounds to attract two donkeys and a horse! Haha - Marine then got out of the car and began dancing, blowing kisses and singing to the animals! One of the best times!
After lunch I had my trumpet lesson, which was rather disastrous after my two consecutive colds and then my coldsore :S haha. But Rudolph (the teacher) was nice about it and said, "bien, bien" everytime I made a mistake...hm...haha.
After the trumpet lesson we went into the town for a bit (I'm in desperate need of some summer clothing! It's heating up here and I just have long-sleeve tops :S) before speed-walking to Marine's driving lesson. She had a nice teacher this time (phew...the last few have been...interesting...).
After her driving lesson, Marine's mum took us home for an hour before we headed out again for the Billy Jean rehearsal.
On the way there, my host-mum and Marine were both still crazy and yet again, the music was blaring! And we ended up screaming (this time with Aurore in the car) at passer-bys, "SALUUUUUUT!" "BONJOUUUUUUR MONSIEUR!" "CA VAAAAAAA?" "WE LOVE YOUUUUU!"...Haha, got some weird looks...
I stayed back and filmed this time, although Alexis did put on his best begging face and Marine, her best sad face, haha...was interesting.
The rehearsal was a bit catastrophic...all in all, haha, But funny : ).
We spent the rest of the rehearsal talking to Alexis and Natacha and laughing at Marine in the pictures we had taken earlier with her and the animals.
Marine, Natacha and I said goodbye to Alexis. Stood there next to him. Then had him ask, "where's your mum?" and having us reply, "hm, we don't know". Haha, I think we said goodbye a total of three times...false alarms :S.
When Aurore and my host-mum did rock up, however, Aurore was doing her freaky witch laugh. I exchanged a worried look with Marine and Alexis before getting into the car and having my host-mum yet again turn on the music - this time rock! haha.
Marine decided it would be funny if we drove by Alexis again, as we had told him about our earlier experience in the car, witht he music, haha, I think he was a bit unbelieving!
You should have seen his face when we drove around screaming in the car with the windows down, dancing to the rock music! I honestly have never seen someone's mouth open so wide.
Once we had turned the corner again, we realised that we were behind Alexis' dad's car and Marine made my host-mum drive around again, haha, I think we embarrassed Alexis as he took one frightened look at us and ran into his car, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good times, good times!
Our hooliganism lasted all the way home and we even did some round trips of our suburb screaming to the people in the streets and had a few wave at us. Haha, and when we dropped Natacha off at her house we stayed out the front for a while making a racket and singing to the music!
: : Thursday : :
Thursday was our hunger day : |. We finished our classes at 12pm for lunch but we had arranged to wait for Myrium who finished at 1pm :O.
Marine and I took a seat outside where we complained to eachother about hom hungry we were, haha.
At a quarter to one we made our way up the stairs (took a lot of non-existant energy...due to our hunger :S) and waited outside Myriam's classroom. Her friend spotted us and told Myriam we were there, but she didn't believe her...haha, her face when she realised that she was telling the truth...and, that we were dancing like loonatics, was priceless : ). Annnnd then she indicated to us that the class could all hear the music Marine had playing on her phone. Hehe, we got some funny looks : ) and the people in the corridors further down were laughing at us.
When the bell finally went, Marine and I speed-walked to the cantine with Myriam calling after us to slow down...food never tasted so gooooood : ) haha.
Although because we had eaten so late and Myriam was a slow eater, we had the teachers on our backs telling us to hurry up :S.
When I went to put my tray away, Marine stole my cantine card...I seem to have developed an second sense where I can tell she's done something...hehe...it seems to annoy her that she can't get away with anything when I'm around, aahahaha.
Anyway, after giving in, she gave me my card back : ). Although when she left to put her tray away, I stole hers...PAYBACK! WHOO! haha.
It was funny that she believed I hadn't taken it and she turned to Myriam and kept demanding her for it, haha. Myriam found it quite funny too! Although neither of us gave in and Marine began to think that it was truly lost.
When we were outside and Myriam had Marine distracted, I slipped the card into a plastic pocket in one of her folders...
Later on, she was really beginning to worry and I kept telling her to take another look in her back...
Haha, when she found it she burst out laughing (phew!) and attempted to kill me, hehe.
We had three hours of Communications : ) hehe. I liked those three hours! Haha.
We had to create an original logo. I stressed out a bit when Marine said that we could just take one from Google and change the name - as that was what everyone else was doing and the teacher seemed fine with it. I did mine from scratch anyway.
It was rather difficult as I couldn't find anything with the program as it was all in French but it seemed to work anyway. Haha, while I had moved on form my logo, Marine was having trouble with hers - haha, she did it twice and still wasn't happy, but moved on anyway.
On Word, again I couldn't find my way around - but I found some cool little tricks by just randomly clicking places and everything seemed to come easily. Haha - Marine was stressing out because nothing she did went right! Haha, she began to think I was some sort of computer wizz and then realised that even if I was, it wouldn't havee helped me as it was all in French.
Hm...and then the Excel...haha, that was when Marine lost it and I was all smiles...good times, ahahahahahahhahaha!
: : Fridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay : :
We had a test Gestion and spent two hours of our lunch time studying...sadly it didn't help. Although it was good to know that we got the four Vrai ou Faux questions right! Whoo! 04/20! hehe...the rest was a bit of a train-wreck...although it was for the rest of the class too, so I felt a bit better knowing that : ).
The second hour of Gestion had things heating up a bit...
The room was really hot and the students were restless so the teacher moved nearly all the boys to the front of the classroom. Lenny was seated right in front of the teacher and he said, "Awwww, Miss - you've got some sort of Charm up this close!" haha - that set the class off a bit : ).
I then started being interrogated by Thomas and Yanis...one word..."Boys."...and then Flavien : |. Although he just joined in with the laughing.
I think that may have been the first time that my rude-finger came in handy...I never thought that it would...apart from that time mum got my sister and I to use it on a guy in his car when we were little, haha.
We got out of sport in the afternoon with the excuse of the Spectacle that night : ).
There was a bit of a mix up with the times, so we ended up eating in less than five minutes and catching a ride with Natacha and her dad to the venue.
We waited...and waited...and waited some more for Alexis to arrive...but he took his time. When Sandra arrived she freaked out thinking he wasn't going to show up...but he made it...and we all had a bit of a sigh of relief.
Karine (the singing teacher) opened the show (this time it was in a big hall : )) - wow. She was amazing! With all the other teachers playing their instruments (gotta love the percussion teacher! WOW!).
Billy Jean was 3rd. Oh. And I sang this time - couldn't resist my four little (okay...maybe one doesn;t exactly classify as little...) munchkins! Yes, well I sang with a microphone...first time :O...Strange...haha.
At the end of Billy Jean, Marine chucked her hat (okay, it was actually my mum's hat) into the audience, haha, they weren't expecting that and it was funny seeing a girl jump back in her seat and put her feet on her chair, hehe.
After Billy Jean Natacha, Marine and I went outside (11*C and short-sleeves...amazingly pleasant :D) with our packet of cookies. 12 per packet...One each for Natacha and me...hm, let's see... that left 10 for Marine, haha - she's told me she'll never eat another cookie in her life again...well we'll see how that goes!
On our way into one of the smaller rooms for drinks, Alexis poked me in the back and told me he couldn't hear me in Billy Jean...It turns out that he too, could only hear Marine...and Natacha too...haha - I think we stuffed up the Microphone order a bit...whooooops.
Marine then turned to me and told me that she wanted a beer. Okaaaaay Marine. Alexis and I exchanged worried looks...she then proceeded to call her mum and demand a beer. HAHAHAHAHAHA! She was a bit crazy I think. We then joined up with her parents and Natacha, as Alexis wanted to say hello and Marine wanted that beer. Haha, and VOILA, my host-mum handed Marine a...a....a....COKE! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Funny funny funny : )
After gathering in a little circle and talking to three of the munchkins, we all witnessed a little boy wham himself into the floor : ( not nice...
It was then time to go, although we didn't want to...but Marine's parents were tired and had some early morning grocery shopping to do...
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