Monday was pretty much a relaxing day for the family...It was mostly spent with us all snacking a bit of chocolate here and there : ) and lazing around in our rooms.
It was due to this general laziness that Marine and I were so surprised when Natacha and Deborah turned up.
Natacha, Marine and I had a rather in depth discussion about her family while I did Marine's makeup (we were preparing her for a photoshoot ; ) and no, it's not as random as it sounds, :P).
Anyway, we got to it, with me with the camera and Natacha with the airdryer, and these are some of the end results : )
: : Mardi : :
9am: Marine and I did Aurore's and Deborah's hair and makeup for a performance of Greece - DISASTER! Apparently nothing we did was good enough
Tuesday morning was, well, interesting. Marine and I decided to be nice and active and go for a walk in the forest. I asked her time and time again whether she knew where we were going..."Oui oui oui"...and honestly, I did trust her the beginning, until we met up with her dad who was coming back from one of his early morning mushroom picking ventures into the forest (which are now every morning for at least 5 hurs, and every afternoon for at least three hours...we don't see all that much of him anymore...). When we saw him, we were just about to enter the first lot of trees (and were making some very loud farm animal noises...although I failled with mine due to the numerous packets of tissues in my bag and pockets...). ANyway, he pointed out a steeper trail...apparently not all that well...anyway, you can guess what happened next with Marine's and my lack of direction (although we both claimed earlier that we were like two walking talking compasses...cough cough).
Anyway we decided with our wonderful compassness, we would take a little detour, which led to a path anyway...and then a serie of other detours...which led us to an open road. Marinegot excited and told me that if we take the road up a little further, it would lead to her grandmother's house in Pasly...So we took the road, whichput us onto a smaller road between houses...
Marine then pulled out her phone...I thought she was going to call her parents, ahahah, wrong! Nope, instead she decided to call know, my cousin who lives in NEW ZEALAND! Haha, she's an odd one. Anyway, we took a little road down (a very steep road...) which led onto an open paddock (with a parked car) and a small cluster of houses.
We walked through the paddock and spotted two old men gettin out of their car, arms flled with baguettes. We started to run throught the paddock to them before they reached their front door. We asked them where we were..."Pommiers". Hehe, oops, wrong suburb...Turns out we had wandered two or three suburbs over. Walking, talking compasses indeed, haha. Anyway, the old men pointed us in the right direction and we were off :D. Although the path was steep and we had to take a staircase (haha laughed and Marine couldn't believe our bad luck -- got a photo...).
Anyway, we arrived home 45 minss late for lunch (Deborah joined us).
After lunch, we went into the town with Deborah and Aurore for some shopping. Pimpkie was our store of the day, with all our puchases taking plae there.
I was in desperate need of some summer clothes, so I bought a vest, two teeshirts and a summer knitted top thingy (yeah, wonderful description, I know :S haha).
After our shopping was done we ran into Yanis and his older brother and said hello before continuing on to a small (okay, it was rather big) cart selling icecreams - a double flavoured soft-serve.
Aurore got the Vanilla/Strawberry flavour and Marine and Deborah got the Choco/Pistachio nut flavour.
Marine was craving a pistachio nut macaron too, so we stopped by the bakery and bought her one. We ate our ice-creams and the macaron at the park where we walked down the stairs of an old building like we were getting married (not our fault we're odd :P hehe).
Oh, and I bought a bag too - not having to much luck with bags here, already been through two in nearly three months :S haha...this one looked sturdy though, and was good quality :D.
: : Mecredi : :
Wednesday was an epic failure of a day. Marine and I went with Sandrine to get Marine's identity card re-done after she lost it when she got her passport made.
Anyway, we drove into Vauxrezis and when we arrived at the place, there was a beautiful garden out the front with the reddest tulips I have ever seen! Anyway, Marine said, "go on, go on. Pick one!"...So I did, and then my host mum told me that I wasn't allowed to...oooopsies, too late :S. I left it on the side of the garden before following my host mum and Marine inside the building (we retrieved it on the way out and put it in a vase when we got home).
The man inside the building told us that no, we couldn't get her card redone there, and that we had to go to this other place in we did, and of course we were redirected back to the original place.
My host mum wasn't very happy about this and got the man in Vauxrezis on the phone to speak to the other guy, haha.
Anyway, we got it redone and all was good...except for the obsessived heating in the building in Vauxrezis :S.
Anyway, we then went to the bank...Closed.
And then to the extreme sports centre in Soissons to see the prices for the quadbikes and carting...very expensive! So we didn't end up going with Fabien, Clement and Yanis : (.
Aurore's friend Charlotte stayed the night...let's just say she's not as innocent as she seems...
Haha, and Marine and I were listening in on the two while we were getting ready for bed, and apparently made too much noise trying to hide our giggles because Aurore opened the door to see if there was anyone there...Good thing Marine and I are quick on our feet and were in the bathroom before she could see us.
Marine had turned off the light and was in the bath adn I was just standing there like an idiot hoping she wouldn't come in.
Anyway, she gave up looking to see if anyone was there and came into the bathroom to retrieve...something...
Anyway, she turned on the light and I screamed a little and she asked what we were doing and whether it was us who were outside her door.
Marine said "no, we're just removing makeup"...AHAHAHAHAHA! Good one Marine...that's why you were in the bath with the light turned off...
Anyway, I laughed and told Aurore she was kidding and we were waiting to scare her mum when she returned to her room.
: : Jeudi : :
Marine and I took Aurore and her friend to the swimming pool on Thursday... We didn't really do anything much for the hour we were there...Although afterwards our ears were aching after all the noise...
When we were waiting for my host-mum, Marine and I sang and danced in the street while Aurore and her friend thought we were strange, haha.
Soon after we arrived back home, we were joined by Charlotte's family...which meant her little brother too :O. He was...very...excited.
: : Vendredi : :
Friday morning I woke to the recording on my phone of Marine and I singing, "Somewhere Only We Know" very badly, at 8:15am.
I got dressed in my sports gear, shoved my iPod, camera and phone (incase I got lost ;)) in my pockets with a bottle of water can imagine that at this stage I as rathr...heavy...
Anyway, after exploring Vauxrezis...all of what there is of it, I looked at my watch and realised it had only been ten minutes --'. That's where the camera came in handy ;).
I returned home after half an hour, took a shower and ate breakfast with Marine.
After lunch, my host parents decided to do the early Ssturday morning shopping tripthat afternoon and asked Marine and I to make our shopping list for Saturday (we cooked for the family again).
So at 3pm, the whole family (for once) headed to Cora together. Marine and I parted with the parentals and Aurore and set off to do our shopping.
It was all a bit of a disaster in the end with th shopping costing a lot more than usual...and of course, it was us who were blamed :S. We didn't really understand when we were told off for buying the sae things as my host-parents as theyhad checked everything and given us the okay before we bought it :S.
: : Samedi : :
At about three pm, Marine and I started on the cooking while my host-parents and Aurore headed into th forest, mushroom picking.
Marine and I prepared the entree (haha, was a bit of a disaster with us spilling spices into the mixture and Marine dumping a whole lot of something she THOUGHT was pepper...:S...I had to point out to her that the label DID NOT say pepper...
When the family returned (after 3 hours) they all poked around the kitchen making faces at our cooking...some good, some not so good... :S
At 7.30 Mammie came around for dinner. After eating apparitifs, Marine and I started heating the entree of couscous/pototo/carrot/corn patties with garlic and spinich yoghurt sauce.
Let's just say the sauce was complimented ;) haha.
Afterwards Marine and I took the lamb skewers outside with the tiny little BBQ (could only fit 6 on at a time :S) and began the looooooong process of kabab cooking (45 mins per lot of kababs...of which there were two, so that kind of dragged on a bit :S.
There was a lot of BBQ moving in amongst that ime too due to the wind...and we ended up cooking in the garage, haha.
The dessert was the biggest failure of all :S. Souffles...ha. ha. ha. Apparently we were doing everything wrong, according to my host-dad. So he took over and made it all for us...I didn't dare telling him that he was doing it I let him do what he liked.
Apparently we made way too much mixture too...
It was 10pm and I was tired and fragile and when I took out the souffles they fell after 5 seconds and then I dropped them upside down and then my host-dad told me it tasted of nothing...I wasn't my smiling self, let's just say that... :S
: : Dimanche : :
Marine and I didn't do all that much Sunday. We were eager to ride the bikes in the garage, but the tyres were flat and none of the three bike pumps fitted the bikes. SO we went to the neighbours house to ask if he had a bike answer. So my host-dad went and bought one for us : ).
: : Lundi : :
Monday morning was spent making a French sheet for Henry to do to help him perfect his French : ). It was rather intestesing comparing Marine's and my knowledge about the French language and our different ways of teaching it.
After lunch we set out to ride the bikes...but after stepping outside we knew it wasn't going to be possible due to the masses of wind outside...
Instead we went up to Marine's room and made eachother up as emos...haha, and that's how we do it here in the France...Anti-boredom = emo makeup ;)...That was a failure...haha, it looked like Marine had drawn all over my face with a black crayon like a little kid! :S At least I TRIED :P haha.
: : Mardi : :
WE RODE THE BIKES!!! Hehe, yes, and it was magical :D. My first time in 3 years or so : ).
Marine and I rode all around Vauxrezis on the little trails through the wide open paddocks and through the fores (haha, we didn't actually know where we were going and the ground made it difficult to ride on, but we were curious ;)...oh and Marine's brakes weren't working so she ended up screaming 'BECKY!!!!!!!!!!!" when I was in front of her on a steep hill...but we survived ;)).
Anyway, we popped out of the forest in Vauxrezis!!! Haha, our sense of direction is back! Hehe. Anyway, we met up with Aurore on our way home and Marine made her carry her jumper before riding away with Aurore screaming after here...Haha, should have heard the screaming from her when she arrived back at the house to see us drinking water in the kitchen (she ran all the way home, ahha).
That evening we went to Marine's great-aunt's house to eat apparitifs.
Afterwards we went and spent the night with Mammie where we watched three episodes of House before going to bed.
I didn't sleep all the well last niht as I spent the night in the same bed as Marine who doesn't stop moving and speaking in her sleep! Haha, I woke up everytime she moved :S.
: : Mecredi : :
Wednesday morning Marine and I woke up at 9:00am. When we asked Mammie how her sleep was, she told us about how she tried to get the cat in last night and she fell...that was when we realised that she had a black eye and a grazed knee :S.
For breakfast we ate a pain au chocolat each (the biggest ones I've ever seen :S).
After breakfast Marine and I showered (in a stand-up shower! Hehe, I was rather excited as the whole time I've been in France I've only taken sitting-down showers : )) and listened to music on our bed.
After lunch we watched "House on th Prairy" and a bit of a French movie before we made our way to the new shopping strip where we stayed until 5pm (didnt buy anywthing, just browsed). Mammie then bought a baguette and a massive pastry for Marine and I... at this point I was on sugar over-drive and all the pastries were beginning to take their toll :S.
When we arrived home...we arrived to a dinner of...wait for it...wait for it...CREPES! Oh, sugar really wasn't on my side today :S. I ate three (in Australia, that would be a lot..but here it's normal to eat 10 or more for dinner :S).
Anyway, now we're settling down infront of the telly to watch "Nouvelle Star" (French Idol).
Tomorrow we're hoping to do some bike riding again :D...Hoping our butts aren't still sore :S haha. Those seats are nasty! ;)
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