Anyway, I went a long with Marine to Code as we planned to go shopping for two hours afterwards.
The guy running Code decided it would be amusing if I tried it too...that involved a lot of French road law questions...in French...haha, ended up getting 18/40...interesting that...
The room was stuffy and at the end all I wanted to do was get some fresh air and sit down; however the rather freaky old man wanted to talk to Marine about when she was going to sit the test, so I did my best to be polite and keep a smile on my face, but in the end gave in and nearly ran out the door...
Outside I sat on the step and had a drink. Marine and I then proceeded to a bench by the roundabout where I sat down - ears thumping, sore throat and all that jazz that I seem to be getting quite accostomed to here :S. Marine called her mum to come and collect us...We waited for 15 minutes before the car finally came around the bend : ) boy was I relieved to see it :D.
When I got home I climbed into bed and slept for three and a half hours.
At 5.45 I woke up, looked at my watch and jumped up (still feeling rather horrible :S) and was about to get ready to go to singing when I realised that it started at 5pm...not 6pm. So I settled back down and went back to sleep for another half hour.
Thursday morning we started early...Oh and it was April Fools Day!
We started with Gestion, where Marine and I tried our best to do our work, despite my headache (which seemed extremely clingy :S) and the chocolate we had smuggled into my bag that morning (haha, she ate the whole block, minus two small pieces that I ate myself).
During management, I realised that Marine's "blonde moments" were becoming more and more common, haha.
When we first arrived, the teacher of Management was talking in some sort of well-know French character's voice, which was interesting.
At one stage, Sawdatou was talking to Alexandre when she wasn't meant to be and not looking at him...the teacher decided to answer instead of Alexandre...haha, Sawdatou didn't realise until it was too late...hahaha, it was quite funny!
When we were doing the "True or False" questions, I asked Marine why one of the questions was false...
She proudly answered : :
"Bah...Parce que c'est pas vrai!" [[ Bah...because it's not true! ]]
Yes, Marine...Yes, that's a very good answer :P haha.
Afterwards was English, where I was able to rest my head a bit...
The teacher wasn't in a very good mood...and it didn't help that we had a practice fire evacuation.
Marine's second blonde incident occured once we were outside, when I pointed to the sky and said, "oooh! Look! There's a wave!"
Marine: WHAT?! WHERE!
Me: euh...It's not real...
Marine: Oh, HAHAHAHA!
Clement: Marine! Look! There's a bird in the sky!"
Marine: Pfft! Yeah right, Clement! Bird's can't fly! :P
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! She even admitted to being very proud of herself at the moment...Nice one.
We returned to the English classroom for the last 3 minutes of class. Marine and I received our results for the English test. Marine got 16.5/20 and I got 20/20!!! WHOOO! Haha, it was good to know :D as most of the English exchange students get 16 or 17/20 : ).
We also received our History marks from Chloe - 14.5 for Marine, 14 for me :D
Hm, well French followed that...Marine ate the second block of chocolate...And we had to put up with Clement and Thomas...ehe, Thomas who wouldn't stop throwing pen lids at my head :S. Oh well, I didn't mind as he was a bit annoyed because the coordinator took away his mobile...apparently it was the first time any of the students had seen him outside his office and the first time they'd seen anyone's mobile taken...
At lunch, we walked to Marine's grandmother's house for lunch. We arrived five minutes late, but she wasn't too fussed.
For entree we ate MELON! Haha, cantelope (??? loosing my English spelling!!!), more precisely.
We then ate some sort of creamy chicken, mushroom and cheese bake with steamed rice. Apparently it's a French dish : ) really yummy!!!
Mammie (no.2) then tried to convince me to eat a dessert - I was stuffed, so I declined...however Marine caved in to two chocolate proffiterolls :P.
We stayed at Mammie's house for 2.5 hours, studying for maths and perfecting Marine's English pronouciation, haha.
We were kicked out when Mammie's "friend" arrived...*cough friend cough*...I think the whole family knows what goes on between those two very SPECIAL friends...NO COMMENT.
Let's just say Marine and I exchanged a glance after we were pushed out the front door, just to hear the lock click behind us...
We started at 4pm with Communications, although the teacher wasn't there...She told us to wait until 4.30pm, and if she wasn't there we could leave. HA! The teacher who petrolled the corridors didn't buy that very true story :S. So we all had to assemble inside the classroom, with nothing to do...
The teacher arrived in the end...She turned on the power for the computers and I found that work had been mysteriously deleted off my hardrive. Despite saving it every 2 minutes the week before :S. I was nearly done too :S.
Gotta do that work these holidays :S.
My head and earlier sickness took over and I had to go to the sick bay where the lady took my temperature...sure enough, I had a fever... She told me that it would be best for me to stay home tomorrow if I felt bad in the morning as it would only get worse, and gave me a pastil for my throat and a tablet for my head.
I spent the last 45 mins of Communications just looking at photos, waiting for the pill to do its job.
Sure enough, it did and I ended up my old crazy self...And worked up enough courage to study for both the maths and Droit test for Friday.
Friday morning...hm. Friday Friday Friday.
I think I honestly went through two and a half packets of tissues after staying home for the 10 hour day at school with Aurore and my host-dad (all sick...thanks to Aurore :P haha, just kidding : )).
Before lunch, I texted Marine to say good luck for both the tests as I cleaned my room in Marine's giant "SING SING" t-shirt.
I had yet another siesta that afternoon, haha.
I got ready for Marine's Spectacle at 5pm as I waited for Marine to return home for sport.
At 5.30 I sat down to watch the end of the April Fools Presque Parfait episode with Aurore and my host dad.
When she did arrive, however, we all knew about it. She was laughing and screaming that she was stressed for her song and that she was annoyed at everything and that she was still in her sports clothes. It was quite funny.
Haha, and I made the mistake of taking my four pills on an empty stomach...I was rather crazy.
I think I scared poor Alexis and Marine when we were at the Spectacle when I was lying on the table laughing...hm...
The singers were...interesting...for the first half of the night...:S
When we had the 30 min break, we ate tuna cake, salmon cake, apple cake and yoghurt cake...was rather stuffed after all that cake...but meh, I was hungry!
Natacha announced that she wasn't feeling well, so Floriane's mum gave her a capsule to swollow...Natacha, not being good with tablets, failed miserable, so we emptied into her Oringina. Which she drank...only to find the powder still at the bottom of her cup...so we tried again...and then with water another two times...then we tried to mix it in with the knife that was used to cut the tuna cake...it was all quite catastrophic...
Natacha then went outside as she still wasn';t feeling well.
We joined her, and later with the mum of Floriane, who's a nurse.
After about 15 mins, we all gathered inside again, before realising that Natacha wasn't with us...
After asking Alexis if he'd seen her, and him answering non, the three of us went to search for her...She wasn't in toilet...so we figured maybe she was just wondering the building.
We sat down again, waited 5 minutes...then went in search for her again.
My gut didn't feel right...I ran to the toilet to look again and told Marine to look outside.
Nope. Not in the toilet...
I ran outside to find Marine on her way back to the building. When she saw me she gestured for me to follow her and yelled "VITE!".
Natacha had wondered up the street, in the dark and was having trouble breathing.
I ran back to get Floriane's mum...
After talking to her, and convincing her that it was best if she came back inside, Natacha wasn't in good form.
Her parents weren't answering their phones either...
In the end we called the ambulance and she was taken away with Marine's dad - who wasn't too happy with Natacha's parents.
He ended up missing Marine singing. It took a lot of convincing before she went up to sing that everything would be alright.
Deborah, Natacha's little sister, was distraught and to make things worse, a woman told off Aurore for making noise (she was stressing about Natacha) and to respect the people who were singing...and to shut up.
That resulted in Aurore crying : |, Deborah crying : | and Marine not wanting to sing at all.
I told her to sing for everything that night...and that's what she ended up doing...goosebumps and all : ).
I was extremely proud of her :D.
After stressing, and stressing, and stressing some more, it was time for Alexis to close the show with "Telephone" by Lady Gaga.
It was quite the show stopper with background singers, a real telephone (which he threw on the ground) and dancing.
He got a lot of compliments that night.

When we returned home, we were all rather tired...everyone except for Marine and I.
At 1am, Marine was starving (don't ask me how!)...so we snuck downstairs and prepared three sandwiches for Marine...and during, she ate a mini piece of apple cake.
We made : :
a banana sandwich with this ginger biscuit butter
a nutella sandwich with squares of chocolate
and a Emental cheese and garlic/herb cheese sandwich
Haha - I tasted all three but I wasn't all that hungry...The only one Marine didn't finish was the chocolate one.
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