At lunchtime, Marine and I returned home where we ate left over pasta salad with my host-mum and Aurore.
Afterwards the four of us drove to Mammie's, where we picked her up before making our way into Soissons to shop for dresses for Aurore's communion on Saturday.
We stopped at MIM where Marine and I tried the same dress...I think there was something wrong with their sizing as I tried size 36 (size 8) which was way too big, then 36 (size 6) which also proved to be too I didn't end up buying it, although Marine did :).
At 4.10ish, Mammie, Aurore and my host-mum left to take Aurore to singing and Marine and I were left with 15 minutes or so to find me a dress before walking to singing ourselves.
I ended up finding a blue and white floral patterend dress, which I hope will go nicely :D.
While walking to singing, Natacha's mum stopped her car to say hello, which was nearly unheard of. We then had a good laugh about it and Alexis turned around to face us (apparently he was 2 metres or so ahead of us that whole
We then found Natacha and I gave her her English work which I had corrected after lunch.
We returned home for 20 minutes or so before heading off to the trainstation to pick up my host-dad and make our way to Aurore's concert, where we ate on the benches outside...Watching as Aurore danced around and ran after one of the boys in her singing group...ahem...
The concert wasn't as messy and strange as the last time. There was a theatre theme and the 5 groupes had already pre-filmed mini-movies with songs sung and some scripted parts, which was nice.
Luckily the concert didn't end toooo late and we were able to return home and watch the end of La Nouvelle Star...even with Benjamin gone :(.
The following day (aka Thursday) we had a bit of an early start, with a 6:15 wake up call for shower taking.
We arrived at school for Gestion - where Marine and I did nothing at all. Instead we mucked around a bit...meh, neither of us are going to take it next year anyway, so it's all good : ).
We then had an hour break before English...And Marine, having not eaten the morning before, was rather hungry. So we took out our packed lunches of tuna cake, a sandwich and a tub of pasta salad. Marine ate both hers and my slice of tuna cake *grrr!!!* as well as half her sandwich and a quarter of the pasta. I helped out a bit with the pasta and had a bite of my tuna cake to make her feel better.
Haha, apparently it was the first time she'd ever eaten lunch at 9am.
During English we watched a movie and I spent French doodling all over my page as it was BAC preparation. Thomas contributed to it too and Ludmill wrote that she was going to miss me : )
Marine and I finished our lunches outside and then went into town until 3pm when my host-mum picked us up and we helped with the shopping.
Marine and I ran around the shopping centre using oil bottles and sauce bottles as microphones as we sang...hehe, Marine reckoned we gave the place a little life ;).
When we got home, Marine and I studied a little for the maths test on Friday...which was on everything since the START of the school year, so I had to learn half of it too :S.
Went to sleep rather late that night...***gants oranges***, hehe.
So Friday arrived, and we started at 10am. I woke up earlier than expected which worked out rather good as I could fit in a last little bit of revision before school.
First we had French...this time I copied everything down...noooo idea why.
Then the maths test...WHOO!
BEfore we entered the room, the class before us told us how difficult it was, blah blah blah. At first I had no idea what they were talking about as it was extremely easy...however, when I got to the third section and none of my answers were making sense, that was when I realised what they were all talking about...ahem...
We then had three hours until Gestion. It was extremely hot and Marine's mum had prepared sandwiches and put two slices of left over quiche on a plate to reheat in the canteen. Wow, we got some weird looks! Haha. Oh, and we stole the cutlary from the canteen too as we couldn't exacly eat with our fingers.
We ate the HOT HOT HOT sun...
Sawdatou got a bit annoyed at us because she didn't have any lunch to
SO we went and bought first we thought she wasn't going to come back, but she did, once we had moved into the shade and had started eating our sandwiches against the wall.
That afternoon, we attempted to play ping pong outside, but got too we moved inside and played Fooseball (???) for a while, and were apparently too loud as we rotated groups of two against one. I was hopeless by myself...
During Gestion we didn't do anything as it was the last lesson (well, the teacher tried to get us to do something, but we were all rather reckless).
There were exams next door and at one stage a girl came and told us to shut up. We died down for about 5 minutes...
Then there was a hall monitor...
Then the directer who threatened us and told us that if the noise continued, he would call the he he?
I took a tonne of photos during Gestion, dodging the teachers gaze ;). We weren't allowed to, but I want some classroom memories :).
Marine even ate a sandwich in class and dropped tomato all over the floor before her and clement started having water and pen fights.
That night, Aurore's godfather arrived to stay for two nights, so Aurore was in my bedroom.
We ate dinner outside with Eric (her godfather) which was nice : ).
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