Monday, June 14, 2010

: : VACANCES [[ !!! ]] : :

: : Thursday : :

WHOO! The first official day of the holidays :D. It was mostly spent with Marine preparing for her French BAC, while I sat back and realaaaaxed :P hehe.

We also spent much of the day chasing after who still hadn't got back to us abot whethr on not they could make it to the party.

Later on in the day, Marine and her mum had a bit of a misunderstanding about how Sandrine was going to take Marine to Code because she had to pick up Aurore at the bus stop...So you cold imagine how onfused I was when Aurore appeared n the doorstop a mere five minutes after the two ha left to pick her up...

I went upstairs and textd Marine (although it was a bit of a horror trying to find an connections whatsoever!) three times asking whether it was normal that Aurore was already home...but none of them sent : | I just left it.

It seemed that they got Deborah's mum to pick her up.

When Marine returned home she told me one of her Code stories...It seems that whenever I don't go, something exciting happens! So I agreed to go the day after :).

(Marine received two of my apparently "failed" three texts later on that night when we were crazy and laughing and rolling around in her room as she wrote and sent text messages which I thoug actually sent..but in fact that didn't due to ther not having any connection :).


Friday, I went to code with Marine after she worked on her French revison. Maxime, meand Marine ended up doing a combined code ;)...not that we were meant to...:O.

We received even more bad news that night with five o so people who had originally sai that they would beable to make it to the party, telling us otherwise :S. So we went on a desperate hunt...

That night, Marine also got the sound system working, which was AWESOME! :D

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