Satuuuuuuuurday was a noothing day...Marine and I found ourselves not knowing where the day had gone! We were due at Didier's for "soiree" at 7.30pm.
I took a shower that morning (yes, I know, rather shocking :P) after my host-parents arrived home after their morning at Cora, the doctor's and the pharmacy.
I helped my host mum put everything away while Marine was in the bathroom...and she took a while doing so :P
Lunch was light - a salad of surimi and a leafy salad - as we had a pretty good idea of how much food we were in for that night at Didier's house...: |
After lunch Marine and I lounged ourselves across the blow-up bed in my room which Natacha and Sawdatou had slept on, along with our trusty computers.
We sent Alexis, the hair expert, a message for what I should do with my hair at the hairdressers (my hair is officially dead :S). Marine ended up getting some advice too ;) - while we did this we mostly searched songs for Marine's next concert and sang a long.
At one stage, Marine was craving Surimi, so she took the left over salad out of the fridge and began picking out the surimi - which meant that lettuce leaves were sprung all over the bed :S. Haha, when Aurore came up the stairs she chucked the bowl on the floor and stuffed her top on it...not the best idea...(she kind of forgot about it and her mum found it the day after...IN MY ROOM! >:|).
At 5:30ish, I did Marine's makeup like I wanted to do for Cindy...They're eyes aren'y exactly the same shape so it was rather disastrous, but I think it'll work on the original Cindy anyway :) (she agreed to let me do her makeup for my going away party :D)...then we realised that it had been more than 15 minutes since my host-mum had showed us when and how to check whether the tuna cake was ready in the oven (the parentals were out)...hehe...oops...although it was apparently perfect all the same, hehe :D
At about 6.30, we started getting ready for Didier's where we were invited along with Mammie Noire et Blanche and another married couple (Marine had good fun with the husband...he was a bit like the Didier himself!).
When we arrived, Marine and I did the usual and made our way around to the front door with Aurore. We rang the doorbell, knocked...looked through the windows into empty rooms...Haha, we thought there was no one home and that we had gotten the wrong day or something. So we went back to the car to see what was taking the parentals so long...They were no where to be seen :O
Aurore tried the door that I didn't even know existed that led into the basement where were were welcomed with a few lonely claps and a big, "ooooh, here they are!!!".
We plonked our bags on the table, and then we were served champagne by Didier...I decided to take a half glass for once...but even still I just plonked my lip in, licked it and then handed it straight over to Marine...:S
I think that champagne went straight to Marine's head...haha, we were singing and dancing upstairs quite a bit.
Bread sticks
Tartins (9 per person)
Tuna cake
Olives (two types :D)
Tomato and cheese tarte (made by my host-mum)
First course:
Sausages (2 different types)
Pototo salad
Second course:
Sausage (2 other different types)
Fried potato balls
Dessert 1:
Flan menage (made by my host-mum)
Dessert 2:
Rhubarb tart (made by Mammie Noire)
Dessert 3:
Ice cream ball
Dessert 4:
Dried fruit and nuts
Choice of 7 teas or coffee
Just a tad full after all that...
Got to bed at 2ish, Sunday morning...
: : Dimanche : :
Sunday morning I was a bit of a folle-folle and vowed to myself that with only three weeks remaining in France, I was not going to spend them studying for school...especially with the subjects I'm doing that probably won't come in any use whatsoever with what I would like to persue later on.
So whilst Marine spent the morning writing out her revision sheets for Droit - aka the massive 6 chapter test - I spent it brainstorming all the Droit teacher's jokes etc. That's was how I decided I was going to spend those two hours.
At midday, we made our way to Mammie Blanche's house for lunch...yet again, a rather heavy meal after the night before...Mais, c'est pas graaaaave ;)
When it was time to go, Marine and I rushed outside to take a jumping photo like we did the first time I went to Mammie' can really see how much we've both changed since four months ago! I'll add photos from both Jan and now :)
January 2010
May 2010
January 2010
May 2010
After we had successfully taken a photo, Aurore joined in for a while and then we tried to convince my host-parents to as well.
My host-mum was up for it, but not my host-dad, so we got Mammie to join in and that changed his mind a bit - haha, he ended up mocking Marine and I and our excited girly giggles...haha.
At Mammie's it kind of really hit me that I really would be leaving France and that two months after, ma vache, Marine :(. I found myself on the verge of tears as we were sitting at the table listening to the music on her phone, clinging onto her arm. I think it hit her too, if not at that moment, a little while later. When we were back home, and Marine had finished with her revision, she came and lay onto my bed, telling me that September is going to be the end of the world...We lay there on my bed for a while before told me that her position really was not comfortable and I agreed that mine wasn't either and we burst out laughing, re-adjusted ourselves and looked back on the first photos we took together in France...
: : Aujourd'hui : :
This morning we started with the two hours of droit (haha, that test I should have studied for...). At first, I was ready to back out of what I had planned for the teacher (aka, not the DS but a "modified" version ;)) because for once he didn't seem to be in a very good mood and even went on a rant about how important it was and how if we didn't take up more than 1.5 hours, we weren't trying hard enough.
Although, I told myself to stick to my guns, knowing that if I didn't go through with it, I would regret it...
Part 1:
Texte 1: Le premier jour
Here I wrote about my first hour at my French school and how it was spent in his classroom while the rest of the class did a test and I didn't realise, I thought that class was just extremely calm and had assigned work as there were still a few people who chattered a bit.
Text 2: L'assiette tombee/balancee
Here I defined the "assiette tombee/balancee" (Fallen/Thrown plate). And I drew the evolution of this plate with little characterures of Marine dropping her plate in the canteen his laughing face in the background and how he announced to the whole class what had happened.
Part 2:
Annexe 1: Analyse d'Australie
Here I wrote about how he had watched Crocodile Dundee and believed every word of it and how was obliged to visit Australia, ride in the pouche of a kangaroo and go to the beach where he won't have a pool to hide behind in his leopard g-string.
Annexe 2: La Piscine
Here I wrote about his various pool stories (*cough leopard G-string cough*) and how Mariine and I had seen him at the pool with his son one time when we were doing orientation in sport at the park opposite.
I finished my "test" by explaining that no, I had not revised my Droit OR Economie, and instead I revised my memories of him and his classes that woke me up in the mornings and motivated me to improve my French quicker so that I could understand his classes. I also said thank you at least three times for all the memories I will be able to leave France with.
At the end I drew a quick and wonky picture of my teacher on a kangaroo, wearing only his leopard G-string with a little caption saying, "Amy Winehouse will be jealous ;)" (class joke).
The History teacher wasn't there, so we had an extra hour for lunch.
At first, at 11am, we went into town with Nafissa, Cindy and Sawdatou - Marine and I then went and ate inside the school as it was a tad cold and there was a bit of rainy mist.
At 1pm, we had Management - the last lesson for the year and it was spent working on the last chapter :S. Marine and I spent our time writing notes to eachother and deciding that we were siamese twins...when I asked her where we were joined...we decided on the heart :).
Afterwards we had another spare hour before Spanish. Cindy, Sawdatou and I went to the library, where the lady kept telling us to shut up even though we didn't even open our then into town because Marine had a bit of a craving for this refrigerated kinda chocolate thing with vanilla mousse on the inside.
Once outside, Marine gave me a bit of a failure of a piggy-back ride...must have been all that French food, eh? :O

The first 15 minutes or so were spent walking around the perimeter of the school, with Marine singing "L'aigle Noir" for Cindy and Sawdatou to record into their phones whilst she chased unknowing randoms down the street singing to them with theatrical and comical gestures, haha.
On the way to the supermarket, Marine, Cindy, Sawdatou and I linked arms and skipped down the street, following this guy we THOUGHT was Yanis' brother (it wasn't...:S whooooops!) and singing, "Hey Soul Sister".
Marine and I then broke away and danced in the streets with Sawdatou and CIndy left wondering what on Earth was wrong with us...haha, it was good fun though :D.
Spanish went rather quickly as I got quite obsorbed in "Mao's Last Dancer" (again - thank you Binny and mum :P).
Once home, Marine and I went and cleaned our rooms. We had good fun there - we were the only two in that house and had the music blaring, having wars with the hairdryer (me) and the vacuum (Marine) can guess who won that one! The hairdryer wasn't even plugged in! :S Not my faaaaauuuuuuuulllt!!!!!!!
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