The day started at 8am - Droit, maths, Espagnol, English.
During maths I mostly spent my time trying to get the teacher's racist comments recorded onto my camera, although I think someone had a good talking to him as most of them were silent and didn't have the same impact...
I brought one of my new books for Spanish, which was nice : ). Although I couldn't really concentrate due to the heat and ended up only reading 12 or so pages in the hour. Or maybe that was also due to me being distracted by so many people im the class choosing Australia as their dream destination (that was the topic : )).
English : |. English was loooong. Very very very very very looong. And for some reason we were learning about the history of South Africa??? How is that related to the English language? Hm...interesting. Oh well, I guess I learnt a little bit, all the same...
At 12pm, a very hungry Marine and I made our way to Sawdatou's bus stop...taking a little bit of a detour to two nearby shops to see if they told any icecreams (we nearly died of heat in the English classroom!) luck there, so we turned around and waited for her bus.
We said our goodbyes and then the two of us wondered up to the minibus stop. Where we waited, and waited and was late...again :S. Didn't really help our hunger and heat :S. Oh well, at least it was cooler inside : ).
When we got home, we made sandwiches with this herby sandwich chicken and smoked bacon.
For the rest of the afternoon, we had the whole house to ourselves and had a bit of a nanna-nap too : )...
I was boiling hot when callapsed on my bed, just after Marine went to her code...and was woken up later on to the sound of a...thunderstorm? Yup. Looked like the hot weather finally cracked it : |. Although it was nice and welcomed on my part :D.
That night we didn't have all that much electricity as it kept cutting out.
Wednesday we finished at 11! Whoo!
The only two classes that morning were Droit and maths.
Droit was the normal crazy teacher/tired students mix...
During the 10 minute break at 10am, Marine, Sawdatou and I went to the main office to hand in their subject choices for next year as it was the last possible time they could do it; stopping on our way to take a picture of the sitting area which had filled with the rain from the day before and now resembles a lake...that one's going to take a while to evaporate ; )

Due to this, we were three or so minutes late to maths...The teacher, who usually doesn't care, wasn't happy and made us go get a late slip. When we gave our response to the lady in the office she was a bit confused as to why it was a problem and told us that it wasn't a reason for a late slip and that she'd give us the paper for the teacher but not count it...:D
Maths was spent doing the first, of the five revision sheets for the maths exam...all those topics from the start of the year I had missed...whoopdidoo! Haha, no, luckily it's easy and I understand.
For 11am-12pm, Marine and I went into Soissons to look in the shops for a dress for Aurore's communion...didn't have much luck there :S. Although Pimki was a little promising with one dress, but they only had size L. Two sizes too big...
Natacha's mum picked us up and took us home where Marine and I made cheesy pasta for Aurore and ourselves for lunch.
That afternoon, Marine and I fell asleep on her bed while we were on our computers and were woken by Aurore scavenging through our rooms to find things that we had done wrong to take her mum...Marine copped it there :S. Those numerous breakfast plates that she never took downstairs from throughout the week :S.
At 5:30pm we went to the Centre Cultural to see Didier who has agreed to host my going away party :).
He was in La Salle de Fete as part of an aged ball type thing where he was dancing with a very dazed and happy looking woman in her 70s.
Hehe, he seemed rather pleased to see us and to stop dancing with the apparently love-stuck woman, haha.
He introduced us to some of his friends and some of the young girls our age who were helping out.
He then dragged me onto the dancefloor, with Aurore on my tail, and then I got Marine and her mother to join us. We didn't have that planned at all when we were told we were going to discuss the party with Didier at the Centre Cultural! Haha, it was good fun though.
We left at three to six to take Marine to code...wherre she didn't end up going anyway. Instead we went to the factory type clothes stores where Marine and I tried on all the dodgy sunglasses and rings hehe.

We then went home and Marine and I prepared the salad while my host mum went to pick up my host-dad from the train station.
We were a little bit naughty and changed the dressing a little...hehe, shhhh!
Normally it would've been:
3 large tablespoons of oil
2 small tablespoons of cider vinegar
1 teaspoon of mustard
1 diced shallot
We decided that normally, the salad was a tad too we swapped around the proportions of oil and cider vinegar...: )
...And forgot the mustard...which we added two teaspoons of later on.
The family actually quite liked it but couldn't figure out why it tasted any different as it was "the same recipe as normal". Hehe...comme d'habitude indeed :P
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