Anywaaaaay, I'll start with Saturday (oh, watched Bridget Jone's diary in French Friday night - interesting stuff!)
I was meant to go to Cora with my host parents - but yet again they didn't want to wake me from my sleep. My host dad commented that I was like a certain animal (keep forgetting what it's called...). But my anyway, my host-parents keep telling me that it's no big deal and that it's normal that I sleep a lot more here than in Australia because of the climate.
Marine had to go to "Code" (theory test for driving) so that meant that it was just me and Aurore for the morning.
I did a big clean up of my room while my host-parents were gone. [[ family in general - don't worry I'm consistantly keeping a clean room...]] It's amazing how Marine's belongings can pile up on my desk, haha, you can really tell when she's visited for a few hours, haha. --- hehe, don't worry Marine - I don't minds :D
By the time my host parents had arrived with all the shopping I was still cleaning up, so I quickly finished (hehe, quickly meaning within 10 minutes) before taking Marine's pile of stuff into her room. Hehe, I was a bit dumbstruck as to where to put it as there were things everywhere, hehe, but I settled with a place near a few picture frames near her window --- hehe, her bedroom has since been cleaned ; ). I then made my way downstairs and helped my host mum put away all the groceries. She'd bought me some yummy cereal (which I only got around to trying today).
Marine arrived home and it was time for lunch. We had beef and vegetable spiced soup, which was really nice : )...and welcomed with the cold weather...SNOW! hehe.
After lunch, Aurore, Marine me and my host-mum went into Soissons to buy a few things. It took a few tries to find a clothing store with suitable pyjama's for me (they seem to all be short shorts and t-shirts...interesting, considering the temperature...), but we got there in the end. I bought some sky blue snoopy flannel pjs : ).
Once out in the cold again, we ran into my host-mum's cousin. After exchanging hellos, introducing me and telling her about the underwear that Marine and Aurore had just bought (haha, got a wide-eyed look from Marine for that) - we were on our way again to our next shop.
We stopped off at this cheap little shop in search for some good bargains. Marine and I were considering dying our hair this deep red colour for Tom - but I was a bit hesitant as the brand wasn't good and I didn't want to ruin my hair...Sandrine thought the same, so we left it for another day.
On the way back to the car we went in search for some baguettes for the evening. At the boulangerie, Marine and I bought a massive pistachio flavoured green heart shaped macaroon to share and Aurore something else...can't remember what it was, but it looked rather good.
With baguettes and macaroon in heavily gloved hands we got in the car and made our way home.
Marine and I got nice and dressed up for Tommy-Boy as a joke, haha, yes we had good fun with that. Oh, and took some lovely photos with her heart shaped cushion and her cupid wall stickers.
With still half an hour till the arrival of the one and only Tom, Marine and I took to singing karoke off her laptop (yes, she has a karoke program :D).
After much earlier discussion about the seating arrangements of everyone at the table - and with the little name tags laid out...It was official. I was sitting next to Tom.
At 7:30pm Marine and I took the laptop downstairs and searched for the plug in the wall in preparation for our later conversation with Henry.
And then...
Guess who came a knock kncok knocking at the door?
Oh, no, false alarm - just Mamie :D
Five minutes later we were faced with that knocking once more. And yes, this time it was Tom, Didier and Oceane (Didier's grand-daughter...I think). So we ate our entrees. Sat on the couch...waited. Then invited Tom to sit on the couch with us. Waited some sign of Henry, even though we both knew it was still too early. Then decided to show Tom the videos of us on Youtube. Marine and I were laughing our heads off, while, as far as I could tell, he was just sitting there. Afterwards, we used the excuse "toilet" and went into the kitchen and said to eachother, "oh, no. He didn't laugh! Haha, he just sat there while we were laughing...".
Soooo, main course - Paela (or something). A Spanish dish with rice, alot of seafood and chicken and tomatos. Nearing the end of the main course, we heard the, very loud, sounds of "incoming instant message". Yes. Henry had arrived. We sneaked away from the table and began speaking to him...Tom invited himself too after a few minutes.
Anyway, after Tom became bored by us and went to search for the rest of the gang, the conversation turned to Marine and Henry ; ). According to Marine's parents she'd never had a boyfriend...*cough cough*...And Marine wanted Henry to tell the family about their newly found love (I hope you two don't mind me sharing this :S). After much stressing and figuring out what to say - and a few preparation trips to the toilet with a few more songs thrown in the mix, we decided on Henry asking the family's permission if Marine could be his Valentine. It helped a bit that the family all already loved "Becky's guitar playing cousin from New Zealand" and that my host-mum already suspected something from before when she saw Henry's personal message...(ie. it had something to do with Marine).
So when the adults returned it was go-go. Henry read out the pronounciation for the French that I had written for him earlier and the whole family, plus Mamie, Didier and Tom (okay, maybe not Tom...but you never know) fell for his charm.
We then ate dessert - brioche and fruit salad.
After dinner Marine and I escaped to my bedroom where we were laughing about Tom and his, "Je sais pas"s and "[shrug] ca va."s...When we heard footsteps. Knock knock. Knock knock. Haha, Marine then ran to the handle and held the door shut. Knock knock. Marine ran back to the bed. "Oui?". Tom entered, looked around and sat on the chair. Rather awkward situation.
Marine and I tried to make conversation but it seemed to keep ending up being about Lola, the cat. Wow, he really was interested in her, haha.
Anyway, we decided on a game of Foozball (or however you spell it). Marine and I against Tom. We lost, he won. Haha, and for some reason Marine and I ended up fighting eachother - hehe, she had a blood lip in the end. Haha, she whacked her head on my shoulder. Was rather interestimg. Anyway, we then told Tom we'd be right back (by this time Aurore and Oceane were with us...phew!)...which may or may not have been true...As we went to remove our make-up and brush our teeth. I told Marine in the bathroom that I bet he would come looking for us. Which he did...after Aurore and Oceane had joined us in the bathroom and Aurore had told me that apparently Tom thought I was cute and if it worked out, wouldn't mind marrying me *gulp*.
Anyway, when he joined us again, I was halfway through brushing my teeth. I think I ended up brushing them for something like 7 minutes - expecting him to leave while I spat. Haha - no luck. Marine had to take a seat on the bath, I took so long. But in the end I gave up and spat in front of the gathered audience.
Luckily it was time for them to leave soon after...only for Didier to invite us over on Thursday again before Tom left. Oh joy, haha. YAY for Didier! Uh oh, for Tom. Haha, nah, I'm sure I'll survive :D.
Yesterday : :
Hm, what did I do yesterday...?
Oh yes - yesterday I woke up rather early considering the late night the night before. 9:15 I think it was...After showering and eating and all that, it was ready for lunch. We had duck with vegetables and this orange flavoured stuffing which I didn't like all that much, so my host-mum ate the rest of mine. The duck was good though :D. After lunch, Marine and I took to doing Henry's training program, which didn't really work all that well...haha.
Before dinner, Marine and I were rather hungry and filled up on these chip things...only to be faced with more entrees when dinner started. I think I ate about 45 pistachio nuts, 8 twisties, 17 rolled dorito-type-chips and then started the main meal of pork hotpot. Really nice :D. And then, when I thought I was done - Tirimisu :O. Haha - yes, was extremely full after that, but had a good chat with Marine and my host-dad when I was cheese tasting somewhere between the main course and dessert.
Marine and I went to bed soom after dessert as we were both rather tired.
Today, I had been warned was the day that we would start our holiday homework. After eating an apple and cereal for a late breakfast, Marine told me that it was a CATASTROPHE! Yes - there were three pages of definitions to learn for Droit (law). After a lunch of soup, we wemt to the doctor to get Marine vaccinated. There weren't that many people there but it took a while of waiting, all the same.
Afterwards, we arrived home and started learning the definitions (hehe, and stole the box of lollies from downstairs - wow , felt really sick after that!). About ten minutes later, there was some more knocking at the door as my host-dad's sister payed us a visit with her 20 year son and 14 year old daughter. Apparently the 20 year old son never comes and my host-parents suspected that it was because of me because he was the type who didn't care about 5 years age difference...
Anyway, Marine and I kept moving from the dining table, speaking to the fmaily, and my room where we tried to learn the vocab.
We also did the unspeakable with the lollies...hehe.
Anyway, now Marine's in her room again learning the vocab, as it is more important for her to learn it than me, at this moment in time. Three pages of vocab - and on the test, you only need to write out the definitions of five. Difficult, to say the least.
My host dad is doing his routine work-out in my room (it's the playroom/gym as well). And yes, I'm doing this :D.
So that's it for now...Three days in one blog entry. Three pages of vocab in one study session. All done. For now...
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