TODAY I WOKE UP TO SNOW!!! Well, more to Marine coming in my room and telling me excitedly that it was snowing and that we might not have to go to school! Haha...well Patrice tested out the driving conditions on the road and they were fine so we ended up going. But there was more - if there were only four-ish people in the class, then we wouldn't have to go to school tomorrow (it's meant to snow again! YAY!) and could go home at 10am.
Well, the school day started with us walking up to the front doors, greeting Fabien and Flavien. Okay, so that was already two...We then proceded to see Clairmont, whom we greeted also, before running up to Ludmilla to wish her happy birthday, who was sitting with another girl in our class. That was seven.
By the time the bell had gone we had eight in the class. Then Yannis arrived...then Constance...and so it went. Yes, eighteen people, three absent in the end. Haha.
9am :: The first class today was yet again Gestion :O. Which I was nearly falling asleep in (not by choice...I had a bit of a headache and something in my eye which wouldn't go away) and the teacher saw this (luckily he's funny) and began to copy everything I did until I picked up my pen and started writing again, haha.
Then we had History...Which was spent with Yannis ramming his table into the back of my chair and asked whether I would be willing to go out with Favrien...Felt a bit mean about saying no. But I did anyway :| Haha, I believe there are a few sighs of relief from family members!
Then LUNCH! Which was apparently included mashed potato...which was interesting as it seemed a bit bouncy and baked...Kind of like mashed potato mouse that didn't tast like potatos at all...haha, ate it anyway, wasn't too bad.
After lunch was management. Marine and I were expecting to get our tests back...but sadly, no such luck. Haha, I'm interesting to see how I went with that one :S.
Then...was History again. Which again consisted of Yannis ramming his desk into my chair...this time with the added bonus of taking out my hair clip and redoing my hair for me. Why thank you Yannis :P. Haha - and a lot of trying to understand Yannis (Marine didn't either...something about a "verre").
We finished at 3pm which was nice : ). I went home and slept, haha. Then wokeup to Marine taking pictures of me sleeping to put on Facebook as revenge for last night when I sent Henry some really bad pictures of her :P Haha - nah, I didn't think they were that bad...just hilarious! Haha.
After I woke up I went downstairs to get some "bonbons" (or..."[3 mins after convo]...*snigger*...LOLLY!"s) to help wake me up : ). Took some for Marine too...and now, magically I am sitting in her room, writing this while she replies to Henry.
Lots of Croft-Lord-Johnson-Hansen-Wlodarczyk love to Henry and Marine, and all my family :D.
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