Thursday, February 25, 2010

: : Billy Jean est mort [[ R.I.P ]] : :

Soooooooooooooo - got back kind of late from the spectacle last night and still have my maths homework to do, so that kind of took the place of my blog writing.

Anyway, yesterday was rather long. We started, rather aprehensively at 8am. That means getting up at 6am. Apparently I didn't wake up when Marine came in to get me up, so she tried again after her shower. Which meant that I was running approximately 20 minutes late. Whoops...haha. I made up for it though :D.

Marine and I ate breakfast together before I went and dried my hair, which was nice. Usually I eat while she showers and she eats when I shower : ).

Anyway, we started, as normal with Droit. French Legal Studies...not nice at 8am...yes. Especially when you have a test. Oh, no that didn't go too well. I had tried to learn those definitons - there were 15 on the sheet and only 5 on the test - but nup, didn't really help. Oh, and then the teacher caught me drawing a worried/confused face on my sheet and announced that I was drawing on my paper to the he thought it was cute and rather amusing when he collected my sheet :D. Then we had Maths. Marine wasn't feeling all that well so I took her to the nurse half-way through...Only to return to a message that Yanis had writen on my calculator. NO COMMENT.

Then we were meant to go to Spanish, but the teacher wasn't there so Soaodatou (:S not too sure how to spell her name...hehe), Marine and I went to the library (after searching for a study room...they were all full :S) and played the "subject-verb-place" game in French after going to the nurse with Cindy to get some bread (we were rather hungry)...which we ate in the library with our eyes on the librariens.


We were able to go to the cantine early (haha, first in line for once!) because we didn't have classes from 10-12 and the cantine opens at 11.30. For lunch we ate fish with potatoes and salad, and a slice custard tart with a full baguette...haha, rather full after that.

We restarted classes at two with Communications, so we still had two hours of break left by the time we had finished eating, so we went into the city. At first we went into a shop and tried on these matching white hats and red striped sunnies before the lady told us off...for no real reason, as Saoadatou was actually going to buy them...*wink wink nudge nudge*.

Anyway, afterwards we went to the supermarket with all our change that we had dug out of our bags, pockets and wallets and bought some lollies and these refrigerated chocolate bars with yoghurt/marshmellow type stuff in them. Haha, I didn't eat too much of our perchases as they were all rather sugary for me.

We then looked around in some of the clothing stores on our way back to the first shop (just to annoy that old lady apparently, although I thought that we had actually forgotten to but something). Oh and we saw bras, with sizes and padding and all for three year-olds! I'd heard about them before, but had never actually seen them in reality...Bizarre...and rather wrong :S.


Anyway, we arrived back at school with twenty minutes or so to spare...a nice change from sprinting back (a looooooong way) and pretending I had gotten lost. What a silly little Aussie I am, eh?

Communications = test. Whoohoo.

Good thing I understood most of it as common sense. And it also helped that Marine took to teaching me the stuff before we were meant to have Spanish :D.

I think I did alright - although I realised this morning that I had misunderstood a whole column in a table I had filled out. I thought I was meant to write the sponsors (it said "[enter French word here]/SUPPORT"), but it was actually the type of communication. i.e Letter, poster etc. Oops..hehe.

After Communications I was meant to have three hours of Arts Plastiques but I was feeling rather exhausted and had nothing to do in Arts Plastiques so my host-mum let me return home with Marine to get ready to perform Billy Jean.

When I got home, I slept for two hours while Marine watched a movie. Afterwards we ate dinner and then Marine and I ran though Billy Jean a few times. We were rather pumped in the car and were ready to make complete fools of ourselves; however once we arrived and caught up with the 35 year old women, Sandra, who was singing with us, she reminded us that we had to sing in two seperate parts, and because I was taking Alexis' place, I had to sing with her. After asking her about three times if we could just sing it all together, she decided that we were run-through and see how it sounded. Good, she said. So we were singing it in parts.


Anyway, by the time we were all on stage, Aurore filming with my camera for Alexis, the singing teacher decided that she would sing for Alexis and I would just stand on stage without a microphone incase I sang super-badly or something, haha, I found this rather funny.

Anyway, Marine and I got moving to the music a bit at the beginning (it was decided that I would be singing the same as Marine and Natacha), but once we hit the part where we were all together, we got a bit more into it. Haha, Marine's putting the video onto Daily Motion. You can see the teacher's face when we started with our little bit of dancing ; ) haha. And then she decided to do a little solo dance of her own.

I think we really killed the song Billy Jean. Haha. It was rather catastrophic.

Time of Death: 9:23pm, Tuesday, 22nd February 2010

The spectacle ended a lot earlier than expected with only four performances.

We got home at about 10:45pm. While my host-mum made Marine and I some honey/lemon tea, we got ready for bed (doing all those bathroomy things). When the tea was ready, we took it upstairs and began on our maths homework. We finished at about 11pm and then went to bed.


I slept right through till 7:50am this morning. Before we started with our showers, Marine and I ate our breakfast we had been planning all week. Something that is traditional in the north of France. It was Marouille cheese, in baguette, dipped in coffee. It was rather nice, although at first I had a bit of trouble tasting the cheese, which is bizarre as it is quite strong. Marine and I joked about our wonderful smelling breath afterwards, haha, and how all the people at school would be driven away when doing the double kiss kiss on each cheek, haha.

Due to our ensemble breakfast eating, Marine and I were again running a little late, hehe. But we go to school on time : ).

We started with maths - Marine and I didn't really do anything...we were both really tired and had headaches...

That was a very very long hour...

Then we had Communications which was good and woke me up a bit with the massiced gusts of rain outside. Oh, and I understood the whole lesson! And was able to participate too - not without getting all hot and perhaps a little red, though : (. Oh well, that breakthrough's still get to come, I guess.


Lately my host-dad has just started back at work after a year off, so it was just my host-mum, Aurore, me and Marine for lunch today. We had an entree of avocado, crab, tomato and shallot salad (haha, I think I ate a bit too much of that) with bread, followed by three-cheese pasta which my host-mum had prepared in seperate bowls for each of us with melted cheese (yes, more haha) on the top.

It was all really nice but I was stuffed afterwards.


After lunch (aka, now-ish), I set to searching for the English summary of this poetry book we have to ready for next week in French. Les fleurs du mal. I would've had luck if the page hadn't kept stuffing up (I'm still waiting for it :S)...So I took to writing this instead :D.

Anyway, tonight is the Spectacle of Aurore : ). Should be good, although I think we're eating afterwards which will be 9pm/9:30pm or later :S.

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