Monday, February 8, 2010

: : Cora [[ the explorer ]] : :

Yesterday, I missed the early morning Cora shopping experience yet again :S. Although I managed to wake up quite early considering my past weekends of sleeping...9am : )

After eating breakfast I went and had a shower before going upstairs and doing a few random things with Marine. (Haha, such as uploading her music onto my laptop :D).

For lunch was left over duck with tomato salad and green beans.

After lunch, my host mum took Marine, me, and Aurore to Cora (her second trip for the day) because earlier on they had forgotten to buy lemons, tea and honey - for the sore throats ; ).

And to search for some new pjs for me : ) but we didn't have much I got more face wash instead :D. While we were there we ran into Marine's grandmother and had a little chat - which led onto Tom...the guy that Didier wants me to marry :S uh oh!

Marine got a little carried away at that point and decided to call Didier and tell him that we were going to drop in on the way home (yes, this was after recieving a text saying that Tom was now with Didier). After much pleading not to on my part...we still went :S.

It was rather catastrophic if you asked anyone who was there - apart from Didier...

When we first arrived Didier asked us if it was the worth the wait to see each other (trust me...I was hardly itching to...haha). Yes, well I couldn't really say no. So I just said a sweet little "oui" and that was done with it. After a rather awkward 15 minutes at the table drinking water with Marine, Tom, Aurore and Didier...Super-Host-Mummy came to my rescue! Haha, with macaroons and this pastry thing.

Marine pretended to be figuring out how to take a picture with her phone and took a picture of Tom instead. Which I think he knew...because he was looking pretty smug in the photo :S haha.

Tom's grandma came to pick Tom up soon after Sandrine arrived as his bath was ready (haha - he was 16, 6ft and baby-faced, if you're wondering).

I wasn't thrilled to find out that he was coming over next Saturday for dinner to see me :O. Uh oh!


My host-Grandma came over for dinner...lots and lots of eating :S. Hehe, let's just say that Marine suggested I weigh myself...and as it turns was me, myself and I, each weighing an additional kilo. Yup 3 kilos. However, that was after downing 1.5 litres of water and a massive dinner. Tried again this morning. + 1 kilo-ish.


Last night I slept horribly. Being sick and all. I got up at 6:30am to blow my nose and go to the toilet (which my host parents heard...hehe, whooops : |). I then went back to bed only to be woken by Marine and Aurore at 20 to 12pm. Sandrine had to call Mammie and tell her that we might be a bit late because I was sick - we were meant to go there for lunch at 12.30pm but we made it 12.45pm.

Sandrine wanted to take my temperature so she sent the thermometre upstairs with Marine and Aurore. At first I was kidding when they told me that you had to lie in bed and stick it up your bum (litterally). I laughed and said, "nooooon, c'est pas vrai!". But sure enough my host dad confirmed it for me :S. Haha, I wasn't game enough so I ended up just sticking in under my arm. haha, the reading was something like 35*. Not at all accurate. Haha.

After my shower (and taking a lot of medication...) I was feeling better and had time to dry my hair before going to Mammie's house. The food was much welcomed (probablly a bit too well welcomed considering the extra kilo :S).

And yeah. Finished eating at about 3pm.

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