: : Monday : :
Monday, aka my birthday :D :D :D (May 17th hehe), Marine was suffering some sort of tired spell, haha (teenagers, says my host-dad) so we spent the day at home. To be honest I was a tad disappointed as I would have liked to see everyone on my birthday, but as they say here, "c'est pas graaaaave." I got a tonne of Facebook messages anyway, : ) both from France and Australia :D.
My morning started with a phone call from mum. She had mistaken the time difference between France and Australia and panicked when she realised that it was 9.30ish am (she had planned for 7:30ish am, so that it was before school). My English was absolutely horrible!
I couldn't stop myself from using french connectors [such as,
parce que (because),
mais (but),
c'est (it's),
tout ca (everything/all that),
oui (yes),
je sais (I know)...etc.], correcting myself, then forgetting where I was in my sentence and then just telling mum to forget whatever I was on about, eh he he?
Anyway, after my shower, I brought my laptop down stairs to the dining table where I started my blog entry. Not too long after, Marine came and joined me and we prepared our lunch of leftovers, as it was just the two of us.
I wanted to help Marine, but she insisted that I sit down and let her be my servant for the day. She even tucked my serviette into my shirt like a bib and tucked me in at the table while she cleared it. She told me not to move...so when she exited the room, I ran and hid behind the couch...Too bad she's not as stupid as she seems :P (BIRD'S CAN'T FLY!) haha.
For dessert we finished off the flan that my host-mum had made the night before. Marine had stuck in the massive number candles (1 and 6) in my slice...I don't think she thought about the weight and force of putting in the candles and the softness of the flan...it was a tad crushed and mangled, but again, "c'est pas graaaaave.", it still tasted the same : ).
Marine insisted on doing the dishes...pfft...the one time I actualy WANTED to do them : ( hehe.
My afternoon was spent finishing my blog and replying to my many birthday messages : ).
: : Tuesday : :
Tuesday morning we didn't go to school as Marine had to have a blood test and that left us with only half an hour or so of classes, so her parents agreed that it was useless to go to school for that period of time and then have to catch the minibus home for lunch.
Marine had to get up at some rediculous hour...4.45 I think, as the line at the doctors is always long.
At lunch, it was me who prepared everything :P and it was me who did all the dishes :P I don't think that Marine realised that my making me do the work, it kind of undid what she had done for me on my birthday : | haha.
While we were eating, a package arrived for me :D. It was from my mum, step-dad, and sister. It was in a cute little (okay, it was a lot bigger than my mum had told me on the phone :P), Winnie the Pooh box : ). Inside there was:
- a pen
- a contact book
- three books (IN ENGLISH!)
- stawberry lipgloss
- some Caremelo Koalas
- a KING size Cherry Ripe (which I've already eaten :D I shared it with Marine as she loves them)
- two sketch pads
- three sketching pencils
- pimple cream (hehe)
- a scented rubber
(I think that's all)
and a card : ).
At 2om, Marine and I had to go to school for a French exam (written) :S. We were a bit crazy and really wanted to get out of it (mostly because I was freaking out that I would get a 0 and Jean Lin would send me back to Australia and my average mark would die). So we tried falling down the stairs (haha, although in the end, we didn't have the guts so I ended up sliding down on my butt with my jacket under me...ouchies...: ( haha.
Anyway, we very aprehensively got on the mini-bus and went to school...for the four hour exam : |.
When we arrived at school, I got some "Happy Birthday"s in person, which was nice :D.
Well, we can safely say that it was a disaster. We left at 4pm, after two hours and went to Coximart and bought this refrigerated chocolate thing with vanilla mouse on the inside. I ate one...sugar overload and Marine finished the other four before we made our way to her Code.
During Code, I read one of the new books I had recieved in the post :D which was nice, although a little difficult as the lights were off and the curtains were shut.
When we arrived at home, Marine and I went to our rooms and revised for the maths test and the Communications test for Wednesday morning.
: : Wednesday : :
Wednesday we began the day with the maths test. I stuffed that one up a bit : |. I misunderstood the questions and ended up rushing and trying to do it right after the bell ahd gone and we had to hand in our sheets...didn't really help that I didn't know how to use my maths teacher's calculator :S (he couldn't figure out how mine worked for the sbuject we were doing).
Afterwards, we were all pretty stressed and knowing that there was again another test really didn't help. Although it turned out that it was really simple :D. It was just on the exercises that we had done in class the week before, organising timetables, etc. :D
We finished the day at 12pm. My host-mum had bought three sandwiches and three mini-cake things (some sort of pastry filled with vanilla cream and covered with puffed sugar crystals) that morning and had filled three bottles with water. We drove to the park and sat at a bench and ate the sandwiches...Which are half a baguette (no, seriously...: |) filled with chicken, mayo, lettuce, tomato, and egg. Luckily I was hungry, or I wouldn't have been able to get through the 4/5 that I did :S. Although I did manage to each one of the balls, but I was way too full : |.
We then dropped Marine off at Code and I went home and finished the book I had started the day before.
At 5:30pm, we went to singing. Marine and I prepared ourselves for MUSTANG SALLY!
When we arrived, we waited outside next to Le Centre Cultural for Natacha...Marine had a little problem with her eyesight there, sending Natacha a message saying that she could see her coming...only...it was Alexis : |. Which she told Natacha (who was about 4 metre behind him) and we had a good laugh when they both arrived...although I don't think Alexis understood...
We stayed outside talking to the two of them until it was 6pm, when we entered the building and waited some more.
It turns out that Mustang Sally wasn't so flash afterall, with Karine telling Marine, Natacha and I to go have a look at Alexis' group as it was the only singer. Marine and Natacha prefered the song...and it seems that Karine made it clear that she didn't want me singing : ( No idea why.
: : Thursday : :
Thursday we stayed home from school yet again as there wasn't anymore Communications which meant we only had two hours of classes in the morning and Marine had her Code which finished at 11:30am.
I waited all morning for Marine to return to tell me if she'd passed her Code or not.
She didn't.
And she was worried what her dad was going to say...but as it turned out he was completely on her side : ).
We prepared the left over quiche and some salad for lunch : ).
That afternoon, Natacha dropped by to choose and rehearse a song for the concert Friday...a bit last minute but "c'est pas graaaaaave" ; ). It probably wasn't the best time as I was in the middle of waxing one of my legs which had gotten to winter-carpet level...I ended up abandoning the task...walking around with one waxed leg...and one gorilla leg...WHOO!

I filmed while they sang, "Qui a le droit?". Love that song : ).
It wasn't sure whether or not they would sing it Friday, but nethertheless they had to have a song to sing at the nursing home in June : ).
: : Friday : :
Friday morning, it turns out we didn't have maths, so we finished at 11am and started again at 2pm with two hours of Gestion.
Marine, Sawdatou and I walked to the supermarket where Sawdatou bought a sandwich and a bottle of juice (Marine and I already had a packed lunch) before making our way to the park by the lake.
We fed the swans a bit and then Marine and Sawdatou got a bit excited (I think it was the heat) and decided they wanted to jump off the bridge (which was about 11 metres above the water), into the lake. I didn't want to break my neck, and tried to convince them otherwise...but no such luck.
Marine and I made our way up to the top of the bridge (I was just there for the photos Sawdatou wanted to take), Marine in her socks (haha, she STOOD IN DOG POO!!!!). Marine backed out when she realised how high it actually was, so we made our way again and then Sawdatou and Marine went up, Sawdatou was determined! However, she too got a bit of a scare at the height, haha.
Crazy girls! : )
We finished our lunch and then went for a little walk across the lake where there was a school - turns out it was Sawdatou's little sister's school : ). We said hello and then went and sat by the bank. I played Paparazzi a bit with the swans while the three of us talked.
We took some pictures of the three of us balancing on a the measuring bar : ) and then proceeded to lie down on the jetty where I had a full on laughing fit...don't ask me why or how...:S haha, scared Marine and Sawdatou a bit there, but it didn't take them long to join in, hehe.

We then made our way back to school for Gestion...where....we had a test. Which Marine, Sawdatou, and a bunch of others didn't know about due to the teacher giving out all the test times at the start of the French school year :S. Which meant it had slipped the minds of most people, ten months later :S.
It was reather disastrous, and let's just leave it at that.
That night, Marine and I got ready for the singing concert where she would ye again be singing L'aigle Noir.
We had to take two trips with the car. One with my host-mum, Natacha, me and Aurore, and a second with my host-mum, host-dad and Sawdatou (my host-mum picked the two up at the train station). Due to their timing, Marine had to postpone her song or they would've missed out.
After she sang, she texted Alexis asking where he was...turns out he ahd only found out that day that there was a concert and that he wasn't coming. We decided to tell him that I was going to sing, so he decided he would try.
During the break, Sawdatou, Marine, Natacha, Aurore and I went outside and find a nice block to jump off : ) hehe.
Soon after the second half of the show started, Marine received a text from Alexis asking if we could come and get him. When we went to go look for him outside, we saw a person dressed in a purple jumper running across the massive carpark towards Natacha Marine and I. Marine said, "what the hell is that?!" before realising just who and what it was which cracked us all up.
Turns out he had been on the go the entire day and had a party after the concert :O. Marine's mum ended up feeding him the left over cheese and bacon cake, which he was greatful for. While I was gone, fetching it, apparently Aurore had aggrovated the guard for another even next door...:S.
She was a bit hyper and continued to provoke him. I ended up pulling her away, but she was heavier than me and fell on my butt :S. OUch.
I didn't end up singing, nor did Marine and Natacha. I told Alexis that perhaps next time I would...dot dot dot...

When we got home, Sawdatou, Marine and I got ready for bed; however we had a bit of a problem as Aurore wanted to sleep with us, and that wasn't the best considering the amount of people who would be sleeping in the same bed, the temperature (too hot :S) and the age difference. She ended up protesting, throwing a bit of a tantrum and falling asleep on my floor.
Marine, Sawdatou and I were a bit naughty and decided to play a trick on her. We semi-heated some water in a bowl downstairs and dunked her hands in it (well, TRIED to, as her hands were a bit weirdly placed)...didn't have the desired effect...because, as we found out in the morning, you're only meant to put the PINKY finger in...hehe.
We then proceeded to arm ourselves with eyeshadow, textas. lipstick, and mousse. This was the result, ahah.

Halfway through, she had woken up (Sawdatou and I saw her eyes opening multiple times) and pretended to be asleep (maybe the waking up part was due to Sawdatou and grabbing eachother, gasping and jumping onto the massive matress, pretending to sleep whenever she moved...). We decided that if she wasn't protesting, then we couldn't be blamed for coninuing :P haha.
Although she waited aot half an hour after we had finished to come and confront us...she was not happy at all, haha, and stayed up until we'd gone to bed. She slept with Sawdatou which got annoying as she kept talking in her sleep and moving around, so poor Sawdatou didn't get much sleep.
: : Saturday : :
We woke up at 10.30 and got everyone showed before Marine, Sawdatou and I ate a communal brekky...and, not long after, a lunch of a lot of different types of salads, which was nice and light : ).
We spent a while outside before Sawdatou decided to go to sleep for a little while longer before we went and saw a movie (Plan B).

At 3:40, we went to the cinema, where we had the hole room to ourselves : ). At one stage the ads finished and the screen turned off. We thought that they thought there was no one in the room as our feet were up on the chairs in front and we were unnoticable.
Marine and I went to investigate, knocking on the door of the guy who controls the movie...no answer. We then snuck into the room next door and saw that the screen was the same...must have been a tempory power outage as when we returned, the movie started again : ).
The movie was absolutely hilarious, with the three of us laughing and clinging onto eachother, shrieking, ahah.
Marine, Sawdatou and I went and bought some ice creams before Marine's mum picked us up at the cinemas : ). They were nice and refreshing considering the temperature : ).
When we got home, we prepard the table and everything for my birthday which we celebrated that night.
Didier was the first to arrive with Oceane, then Mammie Blanche, and then, finally, Mammie Noire.
We ate outside and had a BBQ which was nice. Marine, Sawdatou and I sang with the computer which we had brought outside to show the pictures of Marine's competition.
Didier had also bought my host-parents some rather...amusing...presents...Haha, no comment there :P.
Mammie Noire got me a baby blue bag for summer, and Didier a full French/English dictionary for apparently Errorless French : ).
My present from Mammie Blanche and my host-family still hasn't arrived as apparently the post is late...all I know, is that Marine picked it out :D.
My host dad had made Tiramisu for my birthday, which, for the first time in a long time, I went back for seconds for.

That night, despite her parents and us saying no, Aurore made a point to "accidentally" fall asleep in Sawdatou's bed again :S.
No one was happy with her at all, her dad even went to get her out, although he was convinced that she was truly asleep (which she proved otherwise after he had left :S).
: : Sunday : :
This morning, we woke up at 10.30am yet again, showered and got in the car (none of us having eaten) to drop off Mammie Blanche's cat and Sawdatou.