Wednesday, May 5, 2010

: : Written Wednesday [[ for Tuesday ]] : :

So, yes, I know, my blog entries are currently the wrong way around, hehe...

Anywaaaay, yesterday we started at the dreaded 8am :S.

After a bit of morning bustle for the bathroom (ha, had a chat the night before about what time each person had to get up to shower - there were four of us, because my host dad had to work...Marine wasn't too happy about that extra presence in the bathroom...), we arrived for two hours of droit and a Sawdatou who had yet again decided to play with her boyfriend (she and boys really should not be allowed on the same planet :S...he tortures the poor things :O but it's quite funny watching it all, haha).

Anyway, we were all a bit crazy throughout the day and snuck through the lunch line (even though we were priority :D hehehe). We stayed at the canteen laughing and joking around for a lot longer than usual (1 hour I think...). Marine wrote a text to the guy saying sorry etc etc (apparently she has a way with her poetic words on nearly everyone!). Sawdatou told her not to send it while we read it and laughed about it...but did Marine listen? nooooope! Haha - that was hilarious!

We then spent the rest of the day wondering whether sh would geta response or it was obviously not her who had written it.

We also got our English results back...I swear that teacher needs to explain herself better! She's probably the vaguest teacher ever :S.

We spent the ride home and the time when we arrived home at 3pm discussing her with my hostmum and when we showed her what the questions were that she'd given us and her corrections, she demanded that we go see her.

Last night, before dinner, Marine and I were rather motivated and actually did some sprot for 20 minutes! Whoo! Haha that was fun ; )

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