Soooo, can't really remember where I got up to with Wednesday, and seeing as I'm feeling rather lazy and can't be bothered looking back on my last entry, I'll just go from after lunch.
Well, Marine went to code and I think I wrote my blog entry (???)...anyway, I decided I would have a nice little nap on my bed at about 3:30. What I didn't expect was to hear massive thumping up the stairs and someone trying to hide their laughter when my host mum called, "Aurore? Auroooore??? C'est toi? Aurore???".
When I opened my eyes, I saw Marine standing at my door laughing...wasn't expecting to see her until 5pm...hmm...
She then called downstairs after a little while, telling her mum it was her.
Apparently she had mixed up the times of her driving lesson and her code and when she went and sat down to do "code", Jacki (the driving constucter...old, scary and likes chatting up young girls :S) came in and told her that she had her driving lesson at that moment.
She told us about Jacki and is sleeziness and how he told her that she needed to drive smooth like her cheek whilst slowly brushing it with his fingers :S *cringe*.
Afterwards, Marine was driven home by the guy who had his lesson after hers...and she was a bir freaked out when she learnt that it was only his 2nd lesson, haha. I don't get why people are scared - I've been in the car when my SISTER was learning to drive (hehe, just kidding sis :P...but you know I didn't freak out like our darling cousin there who was pretty much having a heart attack next to me :P).
Anyway, I continued to sleep for a little while (which only turned out to be an "eye rest" as it was only for 15 mins or so, and then I got ready to go to singing.
Singing was...strange. Alexis, Marine and I were the only ones who really talked at all : |. And everyone sang well and were all rather serious. Interesting, but again, fun - maybe it was to do with the amount of people absent due to recapping classes at
Wednesday after dinner I decided to try and teach Marine some Aussie slang for when she comes to Aus. She started panicking when I told her that we all speak like "that" (meaning with Aussie slang) and that it's the same at school sometimes. Haha - she's going to enjoy herself decoding our language, eh?
I then quizzed her - she got -3/25 hehehehehehe.
-1 point = WRONG with a clue used
0 points = WRONG
1 point = RIGHT with a clue used
2 points = RIGHT
: : Thursday : :
The day started interestingly for poor Marine, haha.
When we were in Gestion at 8am, Marine decided that she was hungry (after eating breakfast only 1 hour before hand :P ahaha) and opened her bag to find the little chocolate swiss role I had put in there for her (hehe, me aways making sure she has a little snack in there :P). Clement and Thomas saw and started to say loudly, "OH! No, not in class Marine - no stop! Don't eat! Oh no! You're going to fatten up!" so that the teacher would see, haha.
That continued throughout that day - haha. Along with Thomas practicing his "dirty" English word knowledge on me, asking me if I knew what certain things meant. My reactions were mostly,, Thomas, Thomas.
Lunchtime was spent with Natacha and her friends - Natacha and the girl kept randomly bursting out with laughter and Marine and I felt a little out of was funny all the same, though : )
Natacha, Marine and I spent an hour outside (I think I had consumed a little too much sugar or something :S)because I was a tad crazy and wasn't making much sense at all.
Afterwards, Marine and I decided we would join Natacha in Portugese apparently a lot of random students turn up...interesting that...
Anyway, Natacha warned us that Portugese was always a bit of a mess - but we were no where near prepared for what we encountered!!!
After 11 minutes of class, which was spent with students making themselves comforable to sleep on the desks, taking out rediculous amounts of chocolate bars and cans of coke and laughing, all the teacher had managed to do was write the date, in Portugese, on the black board...
It was rather funny, as Marine, Natacha and I were three of the fie who actually worked within that hour - haha, even though two of us didn't even know a word of Porugese! was a good experience, I'll give you that!
Communications was rather good, and I managed to work all alone! Hehe, I was rather proud of myself : ) although, when the teacher announced that I had finished and told me, personally, that it was really good, the people in my class said, "yeah, but she got help from Marine and Cindy"...Aha, they confirmed otherwise :P hehe
We had to make time tables and work deadlines for a buisiness with a set of rules - we had to do three tasks like this, and at the end , we had one hour spare, so Marine and I did our Gestion homework to get it out of the way for Friday.
My host mum had attempted my host-dad's cheese, bacon and potato quiche for dinner - she was stressing a bit as he's one for good food, especially after a full working day. I thought it was pretty good, and even better for her first time - and who said savoury wasn't her thing, eh?
After a dinner of dripping cream all over the floor, thinking the open carton of cream was a box of cheese - Marine, Aurore and I left to go for a walk around Vauxrezis.
After walking up a small path, discussing life in general, we stopped and chatted to two sheep, a bunch of chickens and a rooster. We even picked some lunch green grace to give to the sheep which they appreciated as it was a lot better than the completely munched down paddock they had.
When we let them, our sudden standing up frightened one of the sheep and he ran off, trpping over a chicken, while doing so, hehe.
We then came across a brilliant field of yellow flowers which came up to our shoulders in some places. Marine, Aurore and I looked at eachother, all with the same idea. The sun was setting and there was the perfect moment. A once in a life time oppertunity...which we took, wondering through the flowers, completely hidden and in our own little sanctuary. Probably a memory that will always be with me - the three of us holding hands and jumping into the field, falling and realising that, yes, indeed the reality was harder than that in movies :P.

We were in the flowers for what seemed like only 10 minutes, but was really 45...hehe. We exited, with me leading the way, through a clearing where Marine had a clear view of a house close to our street. When we arrived at the clearing we realised that we had to jump over a river.
Aurore was first - pretty smooth landing ; )
I was next...a bit wobbly on the second ankle...
And Marine...Full face plant - letting the packet of tissues she had in her hand fly and get stuck in a mini twig tree thing that was growing next to us.
It was then that we all looked down at our clothes and realised that yes...we were yellow. My jeans were a lovely shade of bootss too...and we won't even start on Marine's black winter coat!
When we arrived home, the three of us finished off the strawberries that my host parents had eaten while we'd been gone, before heading upstairs and making a card for my host mum telling her how much she meant to us (she was having a bit of a hard time) which we gve to her before going to bed.
: : Friday : :
Friday was mostly spent with we started at 10am :D hehe.
We ate lunch with Ludmilla and Jennifer, which was nice - Ludmilla got rather excited over our lunch of Tarteflette, which is like a potato bake but with slices of Mareille cheese melted everywhere and mini chunks of bacon. At one stage we saw a guy with dread locks that was dressed in a hippy/hobo type fashion (there seem to be a lot of "individuals" here, hehe, "la fille verte, la fille fluero, Dracula") who had put the wax of the wheely cheese on his nose like a clown. Our whole table had completely turned around to look at him and discuss him when he looked at us, which sent us all into panic mode and we all turned around again, bursting into a fit of laughter.
After lunch we went to the library, Sawdatou, Marine and I - apparently we were a little too loud as well got told off three times by one of the moodier patrol ladies :S.
At two, we had two hours of gestion...whoopdidoo! Marine was feeling rather sick and Clement and Fabien were feeling rather cunning and yet again the hour was spent with them mucking around with her things. When we went to the sick bay, they took her thing and jammed her ruler in between the surface and leg of the desk...haha, made her laugh though and lightened the mood a little :D.
At 4pm, my host mum came to pick up Sawdatou, Marine and I. The car was already full with Deborah and Aurore in the back - but Sawdatou and I squeezed in the back with them anyway. I ended up half sideways, sitted wonkily on Sawdatou's lap.
Oh and I got my maths test back on Friday - topped the class :D hehe, 18/20! Whoo! This time I actually understood most of the questions : ) (which were, as usual in French).
I decided to dig out the iSnack 2.0 (as the Vegemite had mysteriously disappeared...cough cough...Suspects: Host family - most likely a mutual dicision) for Sawdatou to try...hehe, luckily I had a Tim Tam to give to her afterwards! Hehe, although the bite was tiny - she still spat it out, cursed at me and then ran downstairs to drink from the tap, hehe, before asking me what it was : ) I'm such an angel :D.
The three of us spent the next 2.5 hours lounged on Marine's bed - at one stage I got a bit excited by a video and threw myself across the two of them, where I stayed quite confortably for the next 45 mins...Marine, however? I'm not so sure :P hehe.
After Sawdatou had left, Marine and I were a tad crazy...We danced as we set the table with the music on full blast (haha, we were the only ones home :P)...Apparently it was a little too loud, because when Marine went to shake out the table cloth outside, the neighbour mocked her, singig, "la lala la lala". Pfft!
We documented out craziness in photos ;) haha.
When we were both in the bathroom later on, we were spying on the mocking neighbour...hehe, I called out numerous times, "JE T'AIME!!!" before slamming shut the window, haha. Take that neighbour! This Aussie aint scared of you and your mockingness :P!
That night we ate pizza...not so nice. The first one, salmon, seemed to be pure salt :S and the second one didn't really have much taste :S. An epic fail in the world of pizza : |.
: : Samedi : :
Saturday, after lunch, Marine, Aurore, my host-mum and I went to the new shops yet again. I found the shirt I really liked from the time before, which I didn't buy because they'd run out of my size, although this time they had my size and I bought it :D.
While we were there, we tried selling the three tickets Marine and I had won to see a Comedy Night in Paris. Hehe, we were on a bit of a winning spree - we won tickets to see the Nouvelle Star for the SECOND time too : )! This time we have someone to take us :D. We even have Thurday and Friday off from school and it's on a Thursday night, so it's perfect :D. I'm going to finally get to see the Eiffel Tour at night! :D
Afterwards we went into a few other shops, and ended out little shopping trip with rhum buying for a cake my host-mum was going to make for when my host-grandma came at 7pm.
We were all running a little behind schedule and when she turned up, we were still drying the plates to put on the table (my host-dad had used a tonne to cook the Paela : )).
Ate a hell of a lot last night :S let's just leave it at that! Hehe.
Marine sang for Mammie, even though she's sick, because she can't make it to her competition next Sunday - surprisingly, her sickness didn't sound at all!
We also quizzed my host-family on:
What's greater than God? More Evil than the devil? The poor have it and the rich need it, and if you eat it, you die. *NOTHING*
My host dad really enjoyed that one : ).
: : Sunday : : AKA today...
This morning before going to eat at Mammie's, Marine, Aurore, my host-mum and I went into Soissons outside the Centre Culturel to look at the prices for AMAR, the circus the was visiting Soissons, after two things had happened the night before...
1. The bus that was meant to take Marine and I into Paris to see this massive open day thingo that's really popular, called us last minute to tell us there weren't enough people going so our bus had been cancelled...AFTER we paid.
and 2. Sawdatou send Marine a message telling us that she was at the circus and it was "SUPER" and "MAGNIFIQUE".
We decided to go for the more expensive ticket (although, not the MOST expensive, as it was 25 euros :S) as it meant we were given seats in the centre :D.
After lunch at Mammie's, we made our way back home and Marine and I did our homework at rocket speed...leaving some of it until after the circus as we had arrived home at 3.30 and the circus started at 5pm.
When we arrived, we expected there to be a lot more people. Marine and Aurore bought two massive fairy flosses (oddly, they were white...) and we met up with Marine and Aurore's Godmother who had agreed to take Marine and I to Paris, Thursday. We talked for a little while with her two children (6/7 and 9/10, I think).
The Circus was amazing! It had everything!
- fire juggling
- acrobatics
- elephants (who stood up on their two front legs...rather cool!)
- clowns with their whistles, dressed a bit like Nanny McPhee
- tigers
- horses
- ponies
- motobies in a ball (that was freaky...:S it started with only one, then two, then three, and then all three with a woman standing in the middle of the ball dancing. It wasn't even that big! Perhaps 2mx2m :S)
- elephant rides during the break
Oh and the trumpet player in the band! WHOOOOUUUUUAAAAOOUUU! Magnifique! Tha motivated me to play my trumpet again : ).
After the circus, the three of us, Marine, Aurore and I were all too tired. To make things worse, I still had the History work to copy out and nothing was making sense at all. Trust me, it's a weird feeling when you go from understanding everything easily to not at all and the frustration to know that you can do better but you're being tripping by a language.
Let's just say I left that work for the morning...
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