Saturday, May 1, 2010

: : Pour mon futur mari [[ Cyril Bass ]] : :

: : Tuesday : :

[[ INCOMPLETE ]] --- Due to both personal reasons and my entry deciding not to save itself :S

Anyway - just for keepsake, I'll write a little dot point summary...Although the little details aren't really there anymore as it's the 19th of May that I'm writing this...

- Marine left her computer turned on, on her bed
- [classified info]
- Marine, Aurore and I had a heart to heart in Aurore's room
- Marine left the house, and I followed her, sitting her down outside one of the neighbour's houses, another heart to heart for about 45 mins at 8.15pm
- returned home, Aurore had taped something which she showed us in Marine's room
- [classified info]

: : Wednesday : :

Wednesday was rather emotional, yet again due to the night before...So after a teary car ride to school, followed by a two hour rapid waterfall during Droit and an agro outbreak in maths...and ending with a sentimental note writing session behind the math teacher's back...everything was reasonably good again during Com; however the nerves did build up again when we were waiting for my host mum or dad to pick us up.

We both knew that there had been some talking done as, for the first time in picking-up history, it was both my host parents who came...That drive home was rather tense, followed by a silent lunch...yikes.

After lunch, however my host mum took Aurore, me and Marine to the new shops in Soissons where we did some summer shopping for me and Aurore and searched for a dress for Marine's performance.

Our hit shops were Grain de Malice and Cache Cache. At Cache Cache, I bought a shirt, a white cardigan and a black top, and Marine finally came across an amazing dress for her performance...only to find that Aurore had already bought the exact same dress after seeing that she had taken it into the change room...same size and everything...:| didn't have some very happy sisters there...

Anyway, when we went to pay my card stuffed up their system and they had to shut down all the payment machines before trying again...hehe whoooopsies...


At Grain de Malice Marine found a long cardi, and I found a shirt...this time my card behaived himself : ) hehe.


Our next stop was Cora were we did some grocery shopping and my host-mum sent Marine and I to the perfume shop to get a sample of some really expensive perfume...

Marine and I did the whole Australian thing...too bad the girl who served us was young and kept telling me that the perfume was really a bit too old for me and that it sells quickly so I really should just cough up the 79 euros right there and then...but we got away with it anyway ; ).

We then took a quick detour back to the house to drop off the stuff we'd bought for the BBQ. I changed into some of my new clothes in the car, hehe.

Afterwards we proceeded to the group singing lesson (Mustang Sally with Natacha, Marine and two other women). Marine hunted down Alexis when we arrived (we all got out of our cars at the same I guess that doesn't really count as hunting...) as she'd left her phone's memory card at his house on Sunday...After putting the card in the phone and having a heated discussion about whether it was the right card or not...we figured out that Alexis had brought his own card to give to Marine...Haha, she wasn't happy and burst out laughing.

Alexis then told Marine that his Grandma had the same shoes as her (haha, it's fun to wind her up ; )) and that landed him with a few blows to the head and arms, haha.

He then decided that he was going to find me a French boyfriend and reached behind my head where he tore off a name and number from a sheet with little tags at the bottom. "Cyril Bass"...haha, for bass think not, Alexis...

Mustang Sally was rather disastrous :S to say the least...let's just say there were some people, *cough MARINE cough* who can't count bars :P haha, just kidding...^^

After singing, we waited for Mammie to come and pick us up outside with Alexis while he continued to tease Marine (he realised that she was a bit down and managed to keep that smile on her dile :)) and pointed at an ant, saying, "I FOUND YOUR GRANDMOTHER!" in English when Marine asked where Mammie was.

When we arrived home, Marine had a bit of a talk with her dad and things were a bit calmer and more relaxed during dinner...thank god...

: : Thursday : :

Thursday morning meant that Marine and I had to pack a lunch from home to take to school as we finished at 12 and would normally eat at 1, but Marine had her driving lesson was brioche and fruit and chocolate biscuits for us!

We had a test in French on POIL DE CAROTTE which was an absolute disaster...I didn't understand a word that was the basis of nearly every question...I ended up writing 4 sentences for 11 questions...hehe...oops...

In English we also had a test - on irregular verbs (I had a special one where the teacher gave me 40 verbs in English and I had to translate them into French...I was rather surprised that the only one I didn't know was "to dig" : )) and a reading comprehension on slavery.

Marine got up to 110 km/h in her driving lesson :S. The guy keeps telling her at the beginning of each one that she HAS TO SLOW DOWN and that she goes way too fast...does she listen?...apparently...but I think not :P haha

When we were returning to school, we saw Myrium and her friend who waved at Marine while she was driving...Man she's a dangerous one, taking both hands off the wheel to do a two handed wave ideed...

At two, we headed to the library to finish off my Communications work so that I would only have to presentation to do in our last 3 hour session which started at 3...I mangaged to get most of it done : )

During the three ours I was rather disastrous...I printed to stupid thing about four times! Each time there was something or another wrong :S...But I finished all the same, with one hour free which I spent talking with Thomas and Marine...Apparently boys are more like us girls that we think...: |

Afterschool, at 6pm, my host mum took us to a little shop to buy a few things such as snacks, appetizers, juice, onions and apples.

: : Aujourd'hui! : :

[[ INCOMPLETE ]] --- okay again, this is a day that I'm writing on the 19/05/ I can't really remember all that well what happened (why thank you for stuffing up in the first place bloggy)...

Anyway, the weekend : : So the family was planning to go to a market in Pasly on the Sunday, 2nd of May (usually they're always on a Sunday) so we spent Saturday mostly resting and lounging around after going to Cora and whatnot (at least, I think that's what we did...).

Sunday morning, Marine was talking to Clement on msn and she told him that we were going to the Pasly market that day...haha, he laughed at us and, living in Pasly himself, told us that the market was the day before and we had missed it (apparently there were animals and everything!).

When I was downstairs later that day, my host-mum asked me honestly if I wanted to go or not...That's when I let the cat out of the bag and told her that it was actually the Saturday (hehe, Marine wanted to play a trick on them and get my host parents and Aurore to go and realise that in fact, there was nothing there...evil child she is...). Anyway, my host dad told Marine and I that we should get out of the house and do something we got up, finally motivated and then...pitter patter pitter patter at Marine's window...welcome rain! Haha...greeeaaatttt....

Anyway, we decided to get ready anyhow and got dressed up in my beanies (hehe, one that I stole from my sister's wardrobe in Aus...wonder if she noticed...oh well, she probably will now as I'll probably put this in one of my Snapfish albums, eh he he?) and made our way outside where it had cleared up a bit.

Unfortunately, the neighbours saw the way we had dressed ourselves and laughed at us from the kitchen window, only to race up to his bedroom window and continue watching us as we cut across the paddock into the woods. I kept close to the fence, not wanting to satisfy him and his mockery, pfft.

Anyway, Marine showed me how to look for "lillies of the vally", or "Muguet" (pronounced, mew-gey) in French. They were delicate and at first I went around pulling the whole plant out of the ground by accident or "snapping them off at the neck" as mum would say...

After a while I got the hang of it, getting a little cocky and getting stuck with one leg either side of a fallen tree and my head stuck in a spiderweb :S trying to get to a nice juicy muguet ; ) hehe. Epic fail :S.

Marine and I ended up getting fairly attacked by the other plants in the woods...They had thawns and didn't appreciate our cut free fingers :S...OUCH!

The higher we got up the hill (and the less people we had to hide from) the hotter we got...not so great the way we had rugged ourselves up with woolen jumpers and beanies haha, at one stage Marine tripped and her/my sister's beanie ended up hanging from a tree branch, hehe :S. We ended up ditching the beanies...using them as bags for our every-growing collection of muguet shoots. Marine didn't think of tying the end strings of her beanie to make a handle so her muguet kept falling out, haha. The fourth time it happened she reaslised that the handle was the thing that cradled the muguet nicely in the head-pouch...haha.

At 4.30pm/5pm we decided to head back home as we were kinda lost and didn't really know how to get out of the woods...again :S hehe. World's worst navigators ; )

We ended up getting excited when we found a little path whih we THOUGHT led out of the woods, that ran along our neighbour's backyard. However, when Marine led the way, she let out that oh-so-familiar, "euuhhh...". DEAD END.

We ended up being lazy and decided not to bother losing ourselves more than we needed to so we climbed over the fence into our neighbour's backyard (hm...not sure how many French Privacy Laws we broke there : |...Nevertheless, we ran behind trees, keeping a stern eye on the windows of the house. I found an old vegie patch which made a little hill up to the top of the fence which divided the backyard and the paddock leading to our house. I handed my muguet to Marine and made me way up, getting a little stuck on my way down as there was a mound of old sticks and branches knotted together. Marine followed, stressing about what would happen if the neighbours saw us :S.

My host-dad had prepared two vases for us to but our muguet in. We ended up having too many and having to stuff them full :S. We them placed the neatly on a shelf just above the muguet Deborah and Aurore had collected a few days earlier.

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