Monday was a long day. We started with a Droit was truly horrible...:S I read each text about seven times and all I got from it was Louis Vouiton bags and sports sponsors :S. Oh well, got it back Tuesday, didn't go tooooooo badly, haha, 8.5/20...better than my usual 7 :).
During managememt, we got our marks back too...he wasn't very happy with that, hehe. Apparently the marks were "catastropique"...Ooops?
Lunch was absolutely disgusting :S...It was meant to be this zucchini cheese bake, or something...Let's just say that the water from the zucchini mixed with the cream sauce and the cheese and ended up tasting like weak tea with milk :S. The parmagiana was good though :D.
During French, the teacher gave up on teaching us and decided she wanted to read her book, even though the students here have their BAC in three weeks and they've only done 11 or so of the 18
Ludmilla and Jennifer had two bags of lollies and a two litre bottle of what I think was apple and cranberry Oasis juice which they drank and ate when the teacher wasn't looking, even though the two litre bottle was a bit obvious...
We spent the next hour talking between the five of us on the right side of the room (Ludmilla, Jennifer, Marine, Sawdatou and I).
Phrase of the convo:
"Tu coupes avec ciseau? :O" - Marine Wlodarczyk
Hahahahahahhaha! Apparently we were a little loud and that meant that Yanis had a good lead on our convo :S. Not the best person, in relation to the topic of conversation : |.
That night Marine didn't go to do her Code at 6pm as apparently the secretary wasn't there.
: : Mardi : :
Tuesday was Sawdatou's crazy texting day :S haha. With Johany - her kiddy boyfriend from when she was six who she was reunited with via Facebook a week or so earlier.
We took our time at the conteen for once...talking...a lot. Sawdatou and I were a little lazy, what can I say? Haha, and Marine was obliged to stay with us, muahahahahaha!
Oh! And that was the day that they served cow's tongue at the conteen...Now, normally I can put up with cow's tongue as it's quite tender and all...cut into tiny little pieces and covered in a hell of a lot of non-transparent sauce...but this was the WHOLE tongue with that shape and all plonked on a pile of chips :S. I think it was even steamed or boiled. I stuck with a massive pile of green beans :)...and we stole a few extra desserts ;) which we didn't end up eating anyway...oh and a few extra cheeses :D.
: : Mecredi : :
Whooo! The day I woke up sick! I spent the morning falling asleep in maths - thanks to my wonderful sick head :D. We didn't have Communications, so we finished at 11am and made our way into town to Mammie Noir's house where we had arranged to eat lunch. On our way, we stopped through the market and Marine bought a new pair of flats as her three pairs of shoes had broken in the last week.
Her high healed sangles on Monday, which we taped together in French...Her boots which have broken on the inside and now make music when she walks, and her flats when we went to the Potaterie with Natacha.
We then proceeded to go to Mammie's where we ate melon, ratatouille and yoghurt cake with creme au chocolat. I then slept at Mammie's for two hours while Marine did her two hours of code. At 3pm, my host-mum and Aurore came and picked me up, before picking up Marine at the Auto-ecole.
We spent the afternoon lounged on Marine's bed, waiting for 6pm when we were planning to go to the group singing lesson for Mustang Sally. It wasn't until 5.30pm when Marine received a text from Alexis asking where we were...turns our Natacha had mistaken the dates and it was a normally singing lesson...When we called Natacha, she was tranquil and shopping at Cache Cache, haha. That made us laugh a bit.
Karine agreed to take us at 6pm though with the other singing group which was good :). I got a bit excited when one of the older women was singing Time After Time and she saw me and spent the rest of the song looking intently at mee as I mouthed the words which was a little freaky. Marine and Natacha where laughing and me, haha. Then there was another who killed the song, "Je Suis Malade" :S. It started off really nice but then she stopped the music completely and started screaming into the microphone which wasn't so pleasant :S.
: : Jeudi : :
Thursday was spent getting ready for "LA NOUVELLE STAR"!!! Hehe! At 3.30pm or so we left the house and drove to Sandrine's cousin's house where we said goodbye to her family and then headed to Paris, speaking the whole way. The 1.5 hours really flew by! A lot quicker than those numerous trips taken to Sorrento with my family each year :).
We arrived at 5pm in the ourskirts of Paris. We drove around a bit at first, just to get to know the area a bit better before making our way into the carparks and down to Baltard.
When we arrived there would have been about 200 people already in queue...we thought we were a bit late and wouldn't get a seated place in the audience : | But as it turns out there were only about 20 people who did.
At about 6pm, people we were really beginning to arrive and there were more than 600 people behind us in line and a group of michievious teenagers who were trying to sneak in and were dressed a bit...*cough cough*ly, asking people if they had tickets or if they could go in with them. At one stage, one of the boys chucket a lollipop at an expensive car who tooted at him when he was in the middle of the road. In the end, one of the nigro guards came and gave them a piece his mind which the three girls in front and the father and his daughter behind us really enjoyed watching.
At one stage the whole queue started taking out sandwiches etc for dinner...that was when we started regretting leaving our dinner in the car for after as the last time any of us had eaten was at 1pm.
After we got through the front gates (and the group of teenages decided to try and sneak in as VIPs...HAH! LA BLAGUE!) and Marine's godmother/Sandrine's cousin was hit on by the nigro guard (which was rather funny), there was yet again ANOTHER queue! Where we waited for another hour or so...oh and went to the toilets that were portable and didn't have a light...hehe, that was a bit interesting...
We got severly crushed by the time we were close to entering the building with my holding onto Marine and me, her godmother.
When we entered...there was...wait for it!...wait for it!...ANOTHER QUEUE! Haha, we were able to cut this one though as it was for hunging up jackets and getting metal detected.
When we finally got into the fosse (that part on the floor), Marine and I were behind two little kids and that was that. We had a pretty clear view :D.
Once everyone was seated or put into all five fosses, there was a man who came on stage and started explaining to us all that we had to watch him to know when to aplaude and scream and shut up, etc. He also entertained during the ad breaks, which was good. On and that guard found Marine's godmother, haha, telling her that he had searched the entire building for her, hehe, was quite funny. Didn't really help that she's really small.
The performances were AMAZING! Even though the sound was a bit strange and sometimes it was hard to hear the microphones, etc, it was absolutely awesome! Marine and I screamed still our throats hurt, hehe but it was worth it :D.
It was really interesting to see how the cameras worked too, with the cameramen running around the stage spinning cameras and hiding behind boxes and the piano.
At the end we were able to get autographes...I got one from Ramon (the Spanish guy on French Idol singing English songs...really really really really really well :D!), and really wanted one from Benjiman too but he gae his pen away to Francois just after he signed Marine's paper as his pen had run out :(.
When we got into the car at 11.30pm, we were all starving and dug into the sandwiches, apples, cakes and chips that my host-mum had prepared earlier :).
Marine had also received a message from her mum saying that we had been on the tv, just the two of us :D. first we thought that she was having us on a bit - but Alexis had also left me a message describing exactly where we were...
Marine and I slept on the way back and we arrived back at the house at 1am.

Here's a pic of Marine and I in the bottom right hand corner behind the two little kids that we took off the internet.
: : Vendredi : :
Friday was a rest day for Marine and I after La Nouvelle Star and for Marine to prepare herself for her singing competition in the small town of Guisse the day after.
: : Samedi : :
At 11am, the whole family left and were on our way to Guisse (pronouced: Gwi-iiis) for Marine's singing competition after Marine practicing the morning three different ways of singing L'aigle Noir and her parents harrassing her a bit :S. They were all nervous...apart from Marine.
When we arrived at Guisse, we ate lunch and walked around the small (kind of freaky) town for a while before dropping Marine off at the Salle de Sport at 2:40.
My host-parents, Aurore and I were left to explore the town a little further until 7pm.
We walked up a small hill to a castle which we had seen in the distance and waited outside for about half an hour before someone came by and opened the doors. We didn't end up exploring like we thought we would as Aurore and my host-mum weren't sporting very suitable shoes...Instead we descended again and walking around, trying to find something to do. We walked back to the car numerous times, sitting down for about 5 minutes and deciding that it was useless, got out again and walked around...again. We ended up spending a while in a park where my host-dad told me stories about his army days and Aurore lay on the bench opposite, drawing in the dirt.
At 4pm, we went to the billeterie to collect our museum tickets. I was quite surprised at how much I understood! : ). We then proceeded to look around the old appartmenst which were part of the museum.
At 6.15pm, we were back in the car in the carpark, waiting for 7pm...our feet aching from walking so much.
At 6.40, a queue had started to form outside the competition arena. We jumped in before it got too long and spent a long 35 minutes awaiting entry.
When we finally got in we ate croque monsieurs and slices of flan while we waiting for the concert to start.
It started a whole hour late...:S.
After Marine had sang, I went with her as she bought a third and fourth croque monsieur and a slice of flan (after her two waffles with sugar earlier on...haha, I'm guessing she was a little hungry...). In the end she sent me to do her food buying as she was a little enbarrassed.
We spent the rest of the night with Eloise, a girl who sang in the same catagory as Marine. We went backstage and took photos with Miss France/Europe, who was presenting and some other guy who's apparently really famous in France and sings really really really well! He managed to wake up the audience, which was something!
Marine ended up coming 2nd, and eloise first.
The concert finished at 2.30am...and we arrived home at 4.30am.

: : Dimanche : :
Sunday we woke up at 11pm, ate breakfast, then lunch two hours later, then slept and did our homework.
I also received a really nice card from Didier for my birthday (I swear the guy remembers EVERY birthday he comes across!). And at dinner my host-family gave me a nice card too :D. Aurore had also bought me a present with her own money which I thought was really sweet :D.
She bought me a little mouse keyring (because my host-family calls me "little mouse" in French) and a broken "Best Friends" heart keyring that was really solid. She bought it for me because it had some English on it and she understood the meaning. I gave her one half and told her that that way when I'm back in Aus and she's in France we'll still be there for eachother : ).
Marine and I couldn't sleep last night so we ended up in my room talking and laughing silently.
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